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what should the law on defending yourself be?

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To read the view of the CPS and bear in mind that they are the ones who wil be prosecuting follow this link:


CPS Reasonable force


My personal view is that I should be able to use whatever force I want against anyone who with a view to committing a criminal offence sets foot on or in my property. My home, my castle.


Outside of my home I should be able to use whatever force is needed to defend myself and my familey. If the attacker has a weapon or its 2 or 3 of them against me or the attacker is on drugs then no question I should be able to use lethal force. What I am not so sure about is a 1 on 1 situation.

Edited by RogerTheCat
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As soon as some scrote breaks into your house all his rights have gone IMO. He's breaking the law first, so whatever may happen to him after that is tough. I discussed this very matter with a friend w

when i was a kid, a mates dad caught a burgalar in the house armed with the screw driver he used to break in. a fight started, and my mates dad beat the burgalar up breaking his arm. the burgalar and

Reasonable force ,is meen reasonable force, with patience also . If you attacked, you defend, with what ever you have to do. If attacker have no weapon, ok you have no weapon. If have knife, you do as you need, on spur of moment. If in you home, it is over, NO Questions, you say to low life 'GOOD NIGHT' :thumbs:


I ask police man this question once, he say' Do no think go to cabinet & get tool, as this pre meditated & as so , you get in big trouble, BUT if you come home from evening of hunt, to find low life in home,& you get suprise as you put away you tools :feck: , is spur of moment, you see low life , say to low life FK off, he run at you with what look like knife, he get warning, he still come at you, then , he fool :icon_eek:


As Mr martin ol farmer learn, he shoot man in back, this is no been attcked, if low life run away when shot.You in trouble, if run at you. Take :thumbs:

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The law basically says that you must use the minimum force necessary to defend yourself,another person or property,but its a murky,grey area.Recently a scrote beat my daughter then came to my house armed with a knife threatening to stab me,i confronted him and he lunged at me with the knife,stabbing me in the hand,i just happened upon an iron bar,very convenient,i then gave him and his car a lesson in manners.The police arrested me and my son,i have been charged with assault,criminal damage and affray,the scrote as been charged with having no car insurance.I thought i was acting within the letter of the law.

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  On 07/11/2010 at 20:52, morton said:

The law basically says that you must use the minimum force necessary to defend yourself,another person or property,but its a murky,grey area.Recently a scrote beat my daughter then came to my house armed with a knife threatening to stab me,i confronted him and he lunged at me with the knife,stabbing me in the hand,i just happened upon an iron bar,very convenient,i then gave him and his car a lesson in manners.The police arrested me and my son,i have been charged with assault,criminal damage and affray,the scrote as been charged with having no car insurance.I thought i was acting within the letter of the law.

ur a soft man because if it was me the police would have no body to do on car insurance

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Once over heard a discussion with a ex copper at a shoot once. He was saying that if some one were to break into you're house and you WENT AND RETRIVED A SHOTGUN FROM THE CABINET you could be liable for prosicutuin as you actually went to get a firearm to use it for what it is not supposed to be used for, however. If you were CLEANING you're shotgun whilst a robber broke into you're home, then you can use that shotgun to protect you're self. ( if you feel you're or you're familis life in in danger you might get away with blowing off his leg of arm)

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  On 07/11/2010 at 21:01, whippeter69 said:

Once over heard a discussion with a ex copper at a shoot once. He was saying that if some one were to break into you're house and you WENT AND RETRIVED A SHOTGUN FROM THE CABINET you could be liable for prosicutuin as you actually went to get a firearm to use it for what it is not supposed to be used for, however. If you were CLEANING you're shotgun whilst a robber broke into you're home, then you can use that shotgun to protect you're self. ( if you feel you're or you're familis life in in danger you might get away with blowing off his leg of arm)


because it was premeditated while you were getting the gun..moral of the story ..sleep with a loaded 1

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when i was a kid, a mates dad caught a burgalar in the house armed with the screw driver he used to break in. a fight started, and my mates dad beat the burgalar up breaking his arm. the burgalar and my mates dad went to court, the burgalar got off cos his injury was punishment enough. my mates dad went to prison for 6 wks cos he went too far. apparently he should have stood away from the open front door, and let the scum bag get away. :thumbdown:

its not the police's fault, there hands are tied. its down to the government and all the so called do gooders. :thumbdown::thumbdown:

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  On 07/11/2010 at 16:39, robo-christ said:


imo the only question should be; did you believe your life was in danger?


I would go further than that, if someone breaks into your house it should be considered reasonable to shoot them, whether your life was in danger or not. If they break in they leave their rights at the door (or window lol). jmo

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I spoke towo breed judges from the US a couple of years back, one is a screw in an Arizona facility for nonces, the other just retired from Joilet in Illinois (no sh*t, from the blues brothers??)


In Arizona guy has permit to carry sidearm openly and can shoot to kill an intruder in his home under state law. :thumbs: In Illionis the retired guy has to load two rounds of bird shot,two buckshot and only then can use a slug in his auto shotgun, to prove he has given warnings before killing an intruder. :thumbdown: After 25yrs of dealing with serious gangs behind bars??? :wallbash:


Obviously he would load slug first, kill guy then pepper walls and ceilings with bird and buck shot but it goes to show that even in the land of the free the law can be an ass.


For me they leave their rights at the door or window they come in by, they will go out in a black bag and be buried somewhere nice and secluded. I have two little ones and a partner to protect and wouldn't risk years away for dispatching scum. Then again my bulldog acts as a deterant so hopefully the situation will never arise...

Edited by Bulldogman
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What are we talking here? Someone braking into your house or just getting attacked on the street? Either way I don't agree with stamping on people when there down or KO'd. IMO It's sick. Don't get me wrong, Knifing someone Is equally as bad and they started It In first place so why not lay into them right? If that was allowed It would get used as an excuse In every street fight going. There's more ways of hurting people than stamping on them. I've seen It happen and It's not nice and things can easiliy get out of hand and any stamp on the head IMO could be enough to kill someone! Saying that the law Is too laxed on self defence but as everyone else says If a life Is In danger I don't think anyone would just stand around would they :thumbs:


OK If the law was changed to allow you to shoot any intruders In your house would that make everyone happy? Crackheads will still need to score so will still try It on and just arm them selves with bigger guns If they know there's a good chance of getting contacted. Least now hand wepons and knifes are the tool of choice so It's not instant game over. JMHO.

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