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the cheeky fecker!!!!!!!!!

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Egypt would love to have him! He's get executed within months. The problem is not them it is US. We've given asylum to terrorist scum from north africa many times stopping those countries from dishing out their own justice which would be death after torture and god knows what else. Having worked in NOrth Africa for years, in particular Algeria, you get to hear how f**ked up we are protecting people who have commited atrocities in other countries because they don't have good human rights....then when we get attacked we expect them to extradite people to the UK etc.


It is a joke!


I try not to waste my time reading the news these days but it is hard to ignore this. We need to get out of the EU asap!

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Last I heard, the filthy pigs family were living in a big London house payed by, guess who!

One small positive, the government managed to find out that he owned a property on the quiet and are now confiscating it to pay towards his legal aid.




I can't wait till the Americans get hold of him once he finishes serving time here, hopefully he gets the death sentence.

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