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Good Black Dogs (Pattedales?) in the US?

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I would rather go unknown then have reputation that some have ... I also do not recall this convo with barnburners ... I have only talked with Paul after already have had terriers ..


I have never said I had great dogs .. There for I have no need to reply cause I will be open with you . I have never bred a good terrier ... You know why cause I have never bred a terrier. I don't breed unless I have a need ..

How do you repay a gift ?

I thought you said you were going to stay off the boards.

Edited by Yankee
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the topic is there for everyone to reply.i just told the truth im not backing anyone here im just giving my input.3000 pic means f**k all and who did you hunt with in ireland iv seen a lot booths old

Not much in the way of terriers, I can't dig at all now, I spent some time in the hospital and sport a bag now... fashionable eh? The ground here is sugar sand anyway, I've yet to see a decent earth

Jonathon, I have read this post and am not at all amused.....First , I met your father in Iowa at Barburners at a get-to-gether....We talked at lenght about many things terrier, and, were in agreement

I want to compare some lines and see what I like.

I can save you some time and money if you are willing to listen to the truth and take it for what it is worth... I hunt on average 3-4 days a week and have witnessed terriers from most of the lines that exist here in America..Stay away from anyone in that is peddling terriers from a website here in the states or anyone who wants cash for their terriers.. There is a lot of good hearted folks in the states that will gift you a terrier that is bred from honest workers IF you are into these little dogs for the right reasons.. I was one of the idiots that spent a lot of money only to recieve pure backfill.. It wasn't until I pulled my head from my arse and truly opened my eyes that I would recieve TRUE workers..


Booth Terriers: I personally owned several Booth bred terriers from the likes of Todd Fulford from Deadgame, Craig Wilson of J&J patterdales, and Aaron Strawn of Barnburners.. And some from others that do not have websites.. I only got 1 terrier that would even work, he came from Aaron Strawn.. And looking back he was only a mediocre worker when I compare him to my current workers.. The problem I faced with ALL the Booth bred terriers is they lack (in a major way) finding ability,hunt drive, and most were too big for honest earthwork.. They were all rough old cobbs ( with the exception of Deadgame's Cocoa, who outright quit) and could finish like no other, but they couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag!! If you are looking for a terrier that you can bait vermin straight from live traps and watch them in their devastating finish then a Booth dog is what you want..That being said, if you are looking for a natural HUNTER that will find, enter, and stay till dug to or found then a Booth dog is not what you need or want..


OLD NUTTALL Bloodlines: I have worked with several lines and to be perfectly honest the OLD Reuvers Nuttall lines are among the best honest workers you can find here in America...(fact)..They will not cost an arm and a leg as most are sold for a promise that the terrier will be worked in a proper manner when it has properly matured. And you wont find this blood on a peddler's kennel as they are properly placed with what is best for the terrier and line in mind rather than selling or peddling to who ever comes up with $1000.00 dollars first like most website kennels (Deadgame and TTI or Riviotta).. they honestly posess the most hunt drive and finding ability of Any terriers I have stepped into the woods with..


GOULD terriers.. They have more hunt drive and finding than the Booth dogs I have hunted with but not as good as the old Nuttall.. Most are too big for honest earthwork. That being said they turn out pretty decent if you use them for an outcross..


Now I am not claiming to be the patterdale expert nor am I saying that you wont find a good Booth dog or Gould dog.. I am just saying that in my OWN experiences the Old Nuttall line has been far superier to the others I have personally stepped into the woods with and Honestly hunted rather than baited as most over here in the states do.. Everything that I stated is only based on my OWN observations of Honest North American Hunting here in the states.. ok you may all begin to tear my post to shreds as usual now...thanks...Daniel Ashlock

what quarry do you dig to with your terriers


I see Daniel hasn't answered your question, so I will. Possum told me he hunts armadillos, opposums and will occasionally get a small coon.


Daniel has made this remark several times on my messageboard. He believes that everyone in the UK, that walks their dog up to a hole and releases it, is baiting. I tried to figure that out and came up with this... Daniel hunts in Texas where the game is in armadillo holes along dry riverbanks these holes are about 3 foot long and up to 10 inches deep, they rarely have any turns in them. He has never hunted groundhog or Badger, or even fox in a big multiholed set. So he really does not have a clue what he is saying. Todd

Scent, I start my young terriers on dillos because it is a good confidence builder and it gets PUPS started on eartwork without getting them beat on.. I have personally hunted coon, possum, FOX, dillos, GROUNDHOGS etc..(anything that is a ground dwelling vermin living within texas, oklahoma,) I unlike Todd, truely hunt.. I hunt alot of the river bottoms etc in Texas and Oklahoma.. I do Not dump quarry from live traps to my terriers as Todd does and I wont keep one that wont find, enter, and stay till dug to or found all on their own free will..Its called hunt drive and finding/staying something your lil no finding mini pits know nothing about TODDY-BOY..

Edited by POSSUM
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,As I beleve Daniel Though relitively new to the Game now keeps some good looking Russels bred from ex Jack Russell club of great Brittain show Champions given to him by a guy in the States and they seem to excell at cover and bush work and come when called off which he prefers "Good Luck to him!" ,in Sport Jonathan Booth France

Jonathan or should I say Robert, you know nothing about what you speak.. I own russells, and black dogs and some crosses of the two.. I am into workers rather than colors.. I find humor in the fact that you Robert cant even post under your real name and have to hide behind Jonathans name you fence hopping old fool..
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I want to compare some lines and see what I like.

I can save you some time and money if you are willing to listen to the truth and take it for what it is worth... I hunt on average 3-4 days a week and have witnessed terriers from most of the lines that exist here in America..Stay away from anyone in that is peddling terriers from a website here in the states or anyone who wants cash for their terriers.. There is a lot of good hearted folks in the states that will gift you a terrier that is bred from honest workers IF you are into these little dogs for the right reasons.. I was one of the idiots that spent a lot of money only to recieve pure backfill.. It wasn't until I pulled my head from my arse and truly opened my eyes that I would recieve TRUE workers..


Booth Terriers: I personally owned several Booth bred terriers from the likes of Todd Fulford from Deadgame, Craig Wilson of J&J patterdales, and Aaron Strawn of Barnburners.. And some from others that do not have websites.. I only got 1 terrier that would even work, he came from Aaron Strawn.. And looking back he was only a mediocre worker when I compare him to my current workers.. The problem I faced with ALL the Booth bred terriers is they lack (in a major way) finding ability,hunt drive, and most were too big for honest earthwork.. They were all rough old cobbs ( with the exception of Deadgame's Cocoa, who outright quit) and could finish like no other, but they couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag!! If you are looking for a terrier that you can bait vermin straight from live traps and watch them in their devastating finish then a Booth dog is what you want..That being said, if you are looking for a natural HUNTER that will find, enter, and stay till dug to or found then a Booth dog is not what you need or want..


OLD NUTTALL Bloodlines: I have worked with several lines and to be perfectly honest the OLD Reuvers Nuttall lines are among the best honest workers you can find here in America...(fact)..They will not cost an arm and a leg as most are sold for a promise that the terrier will be worked in a proper manner when it has properly matured. And you wont find this blood on a peddler's kennel as they are properly placed with what is best for the terrier and line in mind rather than selling or peddling to who ever comes up with $1000.00 dollars first like most website kennels (Deadgame and TTI or Riviotta).. they honestly posess the most hunt drive and finding ability of Any terriers I have stepped into the woods with..


GOULD terriers.. They have more hunt drive and finding than the Booth dogs I have hunted with but not as good as the old Nuttall.. Most are too big for honest earthwork. That being said they turn out pretty decent if you use them for an outcross..


Now I am not claiming to be the patterdale expert nor am I saying that you wont find a good Booth dog or Gould dog.. I am just saying that in my OWN experiences the Old Nuttall line has been far superier to the others I have personally stepped into the woods with and Honestly hunted rather than baited as most over here in the states do.. Everything that I stated is only based on my OWN observations of Honest North American Hunting here in the states.. ok you may all begin to tear my post to shreds as usual now...thanks...Daniel Ashlock

what quarry do you dig to with your terriers


I see Daniel hasn't answered your question, so I will. Possum told me he hunts armadillos, opposums and will occasionally get a small coon.


Daniel has made this remark several times on my messageboard. He believes that everyone in the UK, that walks their dog up to a hole and releases it, is baiting. I tried to figure that out and came up with this... Daniel hunts in Texas where the game is in armadillo holes along dry riverbanks these holes are about 3 foot long and up to 10 inches deep, they rarely have any turns in them. He has never hunted groundhog or Badger, or even fox in a big multiholed set. So he really does not have a clue what he is saying. Todd

Scent, I start my young terriers on dillos because it is a good confidence builder and it gets PUPS started on eartwork without getting them beat on.. I have personally hunted coon, possum, FOX, dillos, GROUNDHOGS etc..(anything that is a ground dwelling vermin living within texas, oklahoma,) I unlike Todd, truely hunt.. I hunt alot of the river bottoms etc in Texas and Oklahoma.. I do Not dump quarry from live traps to my terriers as Todd does and I wont keep one that wont find, enter, and stay till dug to or found all on their own free will..Its called hunt drive and finding/staying something your lil no finding mini pits know nothing about TODDY-BOY..

. Edited by scent
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I want to compare some lines and see what I like.

I can save you some time and money if you are willing to listen to the truth and take it for what it is worth... I hunt on average 3-4 days a week and have witnessed terriers from most of the lines that exist here in America..Stay away from anyone in that is peddling terriers from a website here in the states or anyone who wants cash for their terriers.. There is a lot of good hearted folks in the states that will gift you a terrier that is bred from honest workers IF you are into these little dogs for the right reasons.. I was one of the idiots that spent a lot of money only to recieve pure backfill.. It wasn't until I pulled my head from my arse and truly opened my eyes that I would recieve TRUE workers..


Booth Terriers: I personally owned several Booth bred terriers from the likes of Todd Fulford from Deadgame, Craig Wilson of J&J patterdales, and Aaron Strawn of Barnburners.. And some from others that do not have websites.. I only got 1 terrier that would even work, he came from Aaron Strawn.. And looking back he was only a mediocre worker when I compare him to my current workers.. The problem I faced with ALL the Booth bred terriers is they lack (in a major way) finding ability,hunt drive, and most were too big for honest earthwork.. They were all rough old cobbs ( with the exception of Deadgame's Cocoa, who outright quit) and could finish like no other, but they couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag!! If you are looking for a terrier that you can bait vermin straight from live traps and watch them in their devastating finish then a Booth dog is what you want..That being said, if you are looking for a natural HUNTER that will find, enter, and stay till dug to or found then a Booth dog is not what you need or want..


OLD NUTTALL Bloodlines: I have worked with several lines and to be perfectly honest the OLD Reuvers Nuttall lines are among the best honest workers you can find here in America...(fact)..They will not cost an arm and a leg as most are sold for a promise that the terrier will be worked in a proper manner when it has properly matured. And you wont find this blood on a peddler's kennel as they are properly placed with what is best for the terrier and line in mind rather than selling or peddling to who ever comes up with $1000.00 dollars first like most website kennels (Deadgame and TTI or Riviotta).. they honestly posess the most hunt drive and finding ability of Any terriers I have stepped into the woods with..


GOULD terriers.. They have more hunt drive and finding than the Booth dogs I have hunted with but not as good as the old Nuttall.. Most are too big for honest earthwork. That being said they turn out pretty decent if you use them for an outcross..


Now I am not claiming to be the patterdale expert nor am I saying that you wont find a good Booth dog or Gould dog.. I am just saying that in my OWN experiences the Old Nuttall line has been far superier to the others I have personally stepped into the woods with and Honestly hunted rather than baited as most over here in the states do.. Everything that I stated is only based on my OWN observations of Honest North American Hunting here in the states.. ok you may all begin to tear my post to shreds as usual now...thanks...Daniel Ashlock

what quarry do you dig to with your terriers


I see Daniel hasn't answered your question, so I will. Possum told me he hunts armadillos, opposums and will occasionally get a small coon.


Daniel has made this remark several times on my messageboard. He believes that everyone in the UK, that walks their dog up to a hole and releases it, is baiting. I tried to figure that out and came up with this... Daniel hunts in Texas where the game is in armadillo holes along dry riverbanks these holes are about 3 foot long and up to 10 inches deep, they rarely have any turns in them. He has never hunted groundhog or Badger, or even fox in a big multiholed set. So he really does not have a clue what he is saying. Todd

Scent, I start my young terriers on dillos because it is a good confidence builder and it gets PUPS started on eartwork without getting them beat on.. I have personally hunted coon, possum, FOX, dillos, GROUNDHOGS etc..(anything that is a ground dwelling vermin living within texas, oklahoma,) I unlike Todd, truely hunt.. I hunt alot of the river bottoms etc in Texas and Oklahoma.. I do Not dump quarry from live traps to my terriers as Todd does and I wont keep one that wont find, enter, and stay till dug to or found all on their own free will..Its called hunt drive and finding/staying something your lil no finding mini pits know nothing about TODDY-BOY..

finding and staying ,do you honestly think the quarry you dig are a true test for a terrier.Any old cur would stay with the so called quarry you dig.As for mini pits ,get a grip.Im not the one who bought dirt and kept going back to buy more so called dirt off the same people

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I speak for myself!" (Possum Quote I start my Terriers???? on Armadillo)Because they curl up in a ball and do not fight back "Big Deal!" Do you not think ? my father would come on here if he wanted to ? Do you honestly think you are worth it fella! ,Anyway I thought I was acknowledging with your type of prefered spaniel rat terrier cross hunting I know you think succesfull Badger digging is only done with rubbish Terriers in the countries where it is leagle like the Terriers shown further back and as you now know My father Would proberbly not give a proven well known Joke, liar, coward and fellow Sportsman and friend backstabber the time of day. JONATHAN Booth.PS the name Possum definatley suits you to hide behind :no:

Edited by Jonathan Booth France
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I refused ,we get the big bucks cuz we got the the best. Quality costs,shite is free,or very low cost.


I don't usually comment much these days, but that statement speaks volumes. Genuine lads don't need to take money for their dogs. And no genuine lad would ever say they "had the best". :laugh: One thing i have seen in my short time on this planet is that when money gets involved in the working dog scene it just about ruins it!

Why not keep a dog for its ability to ground, not its ability to earn???????



A sad state of affairs....


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I refused ,we get the big bucks cuz we got the the best. Quality costs,shite is free,or very low cost.


I don't usually comment much these days, but that statement speaks volumes. Genuine lads don't need to take money for their dogs. And no genuine lad would ever say they "had the best". :laugh: One thing i have seen in my short time on this planet is that when money gets involved in the working dog scene it just about ruins it!

Why not keep a dog for its ability to ground, not its ability to earn???????



A sad state of affairs....


(Ability to Ground) Well said Jonathan Booth France

Edited by Jonathan Booth France
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I refused ,we get the big bucks cuz we got the the best. Quality costs,shite is free,or very low cost.


I don't usually comment much these days, but that statement speaks volumes. Genuine lads don't need to take money for their dogs. And no genuine lad would ever say they "had the best". :laugh: One thing i have seen in my short time on this planet is that when money gets involved in the working dog scene it just about ruins it!

Why not keep a dog for its ability to ground, not its ability to earn???????



A sad state of affairs....


(Ability to Ground) Well said Jonathan Booth France




Jonathan read the post before you post on it.. I think you failed to see the point of J darcey's post .. hahaha What a Joke ...

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I well understand all to well HA HA!??? and like all Sportmen should Believe the quality Ability of a below ground working Terrier is the most important fact, But I also know that the guy's you now slag off above have paid many thousand's just in export airfare carrage vet bills etc: to import Terriers (I know they came over to see for themselfs working )as all terrier should be well worked before they are bred from,Terriers that you now have offspring from what you got for free. Even if some Terriers were gifted to them by my Father and others when they became good friends the big costs involved fetching them to America was is real big it is understandable if they are far more money in the States than in Europe As I believe Pit Bulls were many years ago when they first cost a fortune to fetch into Britain and put in quaranteen for six months,But genuine Guys will always echange amoung each other But why should a stranger expect them for free and often guys like this complain about buying and Vet costs or even feeding a dog. a great hunting home is most important Jonathan

Edited by Jonathan Booth France
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This thread is a perfect example of what mixing money and dogs means!!


And in reply to one of the points above, why would you be giving a dog to a stranger anyway??.....if you dont know them, then surely they come recommended from someone you do?.........and if thats not the case then actually, yes, it is just about the cash!!


Have a good look at some of those American breeder sites, most of those Studs and brood bitches have never seen a single days work in there life.



Be honest some of you guys, you breed for money but pretend otherwise.

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