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Good Black Dogs (Pattedales?) in the US?

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the topic is there for everyone to reply.i just told the truth im not backing anyone here im just giving my input.3000 pic means f**k all and who did you hunt with in ireland iv seen a lot booths old

Not much in the way of terriers, I can't dig at all now, I spent some time in the hospital and sport a bag now... fashionable eh? The ground here is sugar sand anyway, I've yet to see a decent earth

Jonathon, I have read this post and am not at all amused.....First , I met your father in Iowa at Barburners at a get-to-gether....We talked at lenght about many things terrier, and, were in agreement

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  On 10/01/2011 at 05:40, sallie said:

My first post on here and from a female lol, it was 4.45am and couldnt sleep, came on here and found this thread its now 5.40am and have found it very entertaining, they say women bitch oh my god you men are awesome at it....

yes, very true we men are a lump of cry babies indeed, but with all the dishonesty, and peddling culls has got to come to an end.. it doesnt take a scientist to figure out who are the peddlers on this thread. it is next to impossible to get a real worker from a website kennel and the prices asked for a pup that is not guaranteed to mature to a worker is insane. but with any breed or any sport there is always a few that make it all about the dollar or euro, pure greed, poison for any breed or sport. atb

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  On 14/12/2010 at 01:25, Yankee said:

I am still waiting Tony list 5 ...

Yankee here are five very good dogs that I got from Tony, that were bred from Tony.


!. FC Fulford's/Riviotta's Kori. A very good all around worker, would find anything anywhere. Very smart dog, that was incredibly hard. She was in the ground for 3 days once, when we finally got her out, she got a drink of water and took off hunting again. She was hunted almost every day for seven years straight. No matter how sore or swollen she was, She never showed any sign of quitting ever. She was never worked on Badger... She died at almost nine years old. Killed by two neighbors dogs.


2. Riviotta's/Fulford's Noah. I bought him at six weeks old. I took him back at 13 months old to hunt with Tony he was some impressed with him that he bought him back for four times what I paid for him. He died in the ground working.


3. Riviotta's/Fulford's Casey. A daughter of Booth's Simon and Booth's Tiny. She was out of the first litter that Tony produced from these two after he imported them. I ended up sending her to Texas after my divorce, where she was worked very steady on coon. He later told me she died deep game.


4. Riviotta's/Hinleys/Fulford's Monkey When I went to pick up Casey I saw Monkey in the same litter, she was a very beautiful pup, and was headed to a doctor. I wished for years that I could have gotten her, I did end up getting her when she was about 7 years old. She was a top notch squirrel tree dog, as well as a very good ground dog. She was super hard, and would not back up from anything. I saw her face chewed up so bad, i thought it would never grow back, but it always did. I have a daughter out of her now. Monkey got cancer and died at almost 10 years old.


5. Riviotta's/Strawn's/Fulford's Katie Katie is out of Tony's Billie and Davis' Bix. 12 pounds of fire. A very good dog and a very good producer.


I can list a lot more. Todd

Edited by deadgame
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  On 10/12/2010 at 22:09, fionn said:
  On 10/12/2010 at 20:04, deadgame said:
  On 09/12/2010 at 13:34, tinytiger said:


Hi todd hows it going,how was milo bred ? and were mileo/milo the same dog?


Yes they are the same dog. I sent the wrong speling in when I had him registered. He is out of Booth's Simon and Booth's Tiny. They were both out of Tonic. Simon was out of Sam and Tiny was out of Tipperary Tim. Todd

not getting in to this arguement but simon was out of sam does that make him one eight border and i know you cant registered a crossbred in the patt club USA .am i correct is saying this.ps how much would pups be worth out of pure inbred booth bitch to granson of sam worth. both parents working no offer under 1000 euro lol


Yes you are correct. The rules have recently been changed in the PTCA, but 1/8th is not enough to stop them from being registered. I have four dogs here out of two different females that are out of Ally's full brother. He is out of Milo and tonic. They are all too young to know if they are good dogs yet, but the older ones are sure showing good. Todd

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  On 11/12/2010 at 02:03, STUNTMAN said:

Todd-It is embarrasing any way you look at it imo, period.Freedom of speech? where did I tell somebody to stop talking/typing ? No where. As for throwing people under the bus you just did by taking a fragment of my statment.Please do not take it as a total reflection of the hunting terrier populace in the United States and again I apologize to my fellow terrier brothers and sisters through the free world. Thank you, Stuntman

Thats what I wrote. Any way Todd I caught this today and got duche chills man and the UK guys are probably wondering why the majority contributing to thread dont have any hunting post up. Todd you know who I am .I was on your board, bought a pup from you and shook your hand. Take care Stunt.


Tony your Handsom!





  On 10/12/2010 at 21:53, deadgame said:
  On 10/12/2010 at 20:30, STUNTMAN said:

I truly apologize on the behalf of United States of America working Terrier men and women on 11 pages of bullsh*t my fellow Terrier enthusiast from around the world had to endure. It’s embarrassing and degrading to have to be associated with most the group found through out this thread. Please do not take it as a total reflection of the hunting terrier populace in the United States and again I apologize to my fellow terrier brothers and sisters through the free world. Thank you, Stuntman

What do these two maen have in comman beside good looks? The paper they hand you is good for wiping your azz with.

Ohio longarm? WTF was wrong with Tuff terriers or Tony R.?




Stuntman, As a citizen of the United States I am offended by your post. The United States was founded on the idea of freedom of speech. These Americans have just as much of a right to give their opinion as you do, no matter if you agree with them or not. One of the great things about this country is that everyone can debate, Not everyone is going to be right. Your apology makes you look arogant, like you think you are better than the other Americans posting here.



This statement I apologize to my fellow terrier brothers and sisters through the free world to me says, hey I might have just thrown all of my fellow brothers and sisters from the United States under the bus but I would never do that to my fellow terrier brothers and sisters through the free world.


Griz just attacked me in this thread a few posts back, of course I don't agree with him, but I will still stand up for his right to give his opinion. Don't take this personally, since your not using your real name I don't know who you are anyway.


OK, I thought that was you but was not sure. I see what you are saying, I guess I just took it wrong. Todd

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  On 29/11/2010 at 22:43, scent said:
  On 29/11/2010 at 19:53, POSSUM said:
  On 09/11/2010 at 14:27, Dirtysailor said:
I want to compare some lines and see what I like.

I can save you some time and money if you are willing to listen to the truth and take it for what it is worth... I hunt on average 3-4 days a week and have witnessed terriers from most of the lines that exist here in America..Stay away from anyone in that is peddling terriers from a website here in the states or anyone who wants cash for their terriers.. There is a lot of good hearted folks in the states that will gift you a terrier that is bred from honest workers IF you are into these little dogs for the right reasons.. I was one of the idiots that spent a lot of money only to recieve pure backfill.. It wasn't until I pulled my head from my arse and truly opened my eyes that I would recieve TRUE workers..


Booth Terriers: I personally owned several Booth bred terriers from the likes of Todd Fulford from Deadgame, Craig Wilson of J&J patterdales, and Aaron Strawn of Barnburners.. And some from others that do not have websites.. I only got 1 terrier that would even work, he came from Aaron Strawn.. And looking back he was only a mediocre worker when I compare him to my current workers.. The problem I faced with ALL the Booth bred terriers is they lack (in a major way) finding ability,hunt drive, and most were too big for honest earthwork.. They were all rough old cobbs ( with the exception of Deadgame's Cocoa, who outright quit) and could finish like no other, but they couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag!! If you are looking for a terrier that you can bait vermin straight from live traps and watch them in their devastating finish then a Booth dog is what you want..That being said, if you are looking for a natural HUNTER that will find, enter, and stay till dug to or found then a Booth dog is not what you need or want..


OLD NUTTALL Bloodlines: I have worked with several lines and to be perfectly honest the OLD Reuvers Nuttall lines are among the best honest workers you can find here in America...(fact)..They will not cost an arm and a leg as most are sold for a promise that the terrier will be worked in a proper manner when it has properly matured. And you wont find this blood on a peddler's kennel as they are properly placed with what is best for the terrier and line in mind rather than selling or peddling to who ever comes up with $1000.00 dollars first like most website kennels (Deadgame and TTI or Riviotta).. they honestly posess the most hunt drive and finding ability of Any terriers I have stepped into the woods with..


GOULD terriers.. They have more hunt drive and finding than the Booth dogs I have hunted with but not as good as the old Nuttall.. Most are too big for honest earthwork. That being said they turn out pretty decent if you use them for an outcross..


Now I am not claiming to be the patterdale expert nor am I saying that you wont find a good Booth dog or Gould dog.. I am just saying that in my OWN experiences the Old Nuttall line has been far superier to the others I have personally stepped into the woods with and Honestly hunted rather than baited as most over here in the states do.. Everything that I stated is only based on my OWN observations of Honest North American Hunting here in the states.. ok you may all begin to tear my post to shreds as usual now...thanks...Daniel Ashlock

what quarry do you dig to with your terriers


I see Daniel hasn't answered your question, so I will. Possum told me he hunts armadillos, opposums and will occasionally get a small coon.


Daniel has made this remark several times on my messageboard. He believes that everyone in the UK, that walks their dog up to a hole and releases it, is baiting. I tried to figure that out and came up with this... Daniel hunts in Texas where the game is in armadillo holes along dry riverbanks these holes are about 3 foot long and up to 10 inches deep, they rarely have any turns in them. He has never hunted groundhog or Badger, or even fox in a big multiholed set. So he really does not have a clue what he is saying. Todd

Edited by deadgame
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  On 13/01/2011 at 20:55, deadgame said:
  On 29/11/2010 at 22:43, scent said:
  On 29/11/2010 at 19:53, POSSUM said:
  On 09/11/2010 at 14:27, Dirtysailor said:
I want to compare some lines and see what I like.

I can save you some time and money if you are willing to listen to the truth and take it for what it is worth... I hunt on average 3-4 days a week and have witnessed terriers from most of the lines that exist here in America..Stay away from anyone in that is peddling terriers from a website here in the states or anyone who wants cash for their terriers.. There is a lot of good hearted folks in the states that will gift you a terrier that is bred from honest workers IF you are into these little dogs for the right reasons.. I was one of the idiots that spent a lot of money only to recieve pure backfill.. It wasn't until I pulled my head from my arse and truly opened my eyes that I would recieve TRUE workers..


Booth Terriers: I personally owned several Booth bred terriers from the likes of Todd Fulford from Deadgame, Craig Wilson of J&J patterdales, and Aaron Strawn of Barnburners.. And some from others that do not have websites.. I only got 1 terrier that would even work, he came from Aaron Strawn.. And looking back he was only a mediocre worker when I compare him to my current workers.. The problem I faced with ALL the Booth bred terriers is they lack (in a major way) finding ability,hunt drive, and most were too big for honest earthwork.. They were all rough old cobbs ( with the exception of Deadgame's Cocoa, who outright quit) and could finish like no other, but they couldn't find their way out of a wet paper bag!! If you are looking for a terrier that you can bait vermin straight from live traps and watch them in their devastating finish then a Booth dog is what you want..That being said, if you are looking for a natural HUNTER that will find, enter, and stay till dug to or found then a Booth dog is not what you need or want..


OLD NUTTALL Bloodlines: I have worked with several lines and to be perfectly honest the OLD Reuvers Nuttall lines are among the best honest workers you can find here in America...(fact)..They will not cost an arm and a leg as most are sold for a promise that the terrier will be worked in a proper manner when it has properly matured. And you wont find this blood on a peddler's kennel as they are properly placed with what is best for the terrier and line in mind rather than selling or peddling to who ever comes up with $1000.00 dollars first like most website kennels (Deadgame and TTI or Riviotta).. they honestly posess the most hunt drive and finding ability of Any terriers I have stepped into the woods with..


GOULD terriers.. They have more hunt drive and finding than the Booth dogs I have hunted with but not as good as the old Nuttall.. Most are too big for honest earthwork. That being said they turn out pretty decent if you use them for an outcross..


Now I am not claiming to be the patterdale expert nor am I saying that you wont find a good Booth dog or Gould dog.. I am just saying that in my OWN experiences the Old Nuttall line has been far superier to the others I have personally stepped into the woods with and Honestly hunted rather than baited as most over here in the states do.. Everything that I stated is only based on my OWN observations of Honest North American Hunting here in the states.. ok you may all begin to tear my post to shreds as usual now...thanks...Daniel Ashlock

what quarry do you dig to with your terriers


I see Daniel hasn't answered your question, so I will. Possum told me he hunts armadillos, opposums and will occasionally get a small coon.


Daniel has made this remark several times on my messageboard. He believes that everyone in the UK, that walks their dog up to a hole and releases it, is baiting. I tried to figure that out and came up with this... Daniel hunts in Texas where the game is in armadillo holes along dry riverbanks these holes are about 3 foot long and up to 10 inches deep, they rarely have any turns in them. He has never hunted groundhog or Badger, or even fox in a big multiholed set. So he really does not have a clue what he is saying. Todd

just as i suspected Todd ,thanks for the info

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Daniel May have a point as most of my dads dogs will not hunt Rabbit and are not used for what we personaly concider Spaniel or bushing work as we Tend to dig 90% Badger's (leagaly) here in France most weekends and the remainder Fox (all just Earth work only The true purpose of a terrier )The Word Terrier comes from Terrain (ie: in the Earth) We personaly do not bush hunt up cover for Rabits and possible lesser game etc: (each to their own) Our Terrier are only for earth often deep digging work My father likes always a hard terrier (which does not suit eveyone!) always single handed that will most importantly find stick and manuover on their own in often mostly Huge sets always sticking untill dug to ,They are often strong Boxey headed, But our dogs would do crap in what is concidered today a good type working Show dog because most we ourselves concider ugly!--" just workers" ,As I beleve Daniel Though relitively new to the Game now keeps some good looking Russels bred from ex Jack Russell club of great Brittain show Champions given to him by a guy in the States and they seem to excell at cover and bush work and come when called off which he prefers "Good Luck to him!" ,in Sport Jonathan Booth France

Edited by Jonathan Booth France
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  On 13/01/2011 at 20:25, deadgame said:
  On 14/12/2010 at 01:25, Yankee said:

I am still waiting Tony list 5 ...

Yankee here are five very good dogs that I got from Tony, that were bred from Tony.


!. FC Fulford's/Riviotta's Kori. A very good all around worker, would find anything anywhere. Very smart dog, that was incredibly hard. She was in the ground for 3 days once, when we finally got her out, she got a drink of water and took off hunting again. She was hunted almost every day for seven years straight. No matter how sore or swollen she was, She never showed any sign of quitting ever. She was never worked on Badger... She died at almost nine years old. Killed by two neighbors dogs.


2. Riviotta's/Fulford's Noah. I bought him at six weeks old. I took him back at 13 months old to hunt with Tony he was some impressed with him that he bought him back for four times what I paid for him. He died in the ground working.


3. Riviotta's/Fulford's Casey. A daughter of Booth's Simon and Booth's Tiny. She was out of the first litter that Tony produced from these two after he imported them. I ended up sending her to Texas after my divorce, where she was worked very steady on coon. He later told me she died deep game.


4. Riviotta's/Hinleys/Fulford's Monkey When I went to pick up Casey I saw Monkey in the same litter, she was a very beautiful pup, and was headed to a doctor. I wished for years that I could have gotten her, I did end up getting her when she was about 7 years old. She was a top notch squirrel tree dog, as well as a very good ground dog. She was super hard, and would not back up from anything. I saw her face chewed up so bad, i thought it would never grow back, but it always did. I have a daughter out of her now. Monkey got cancer and died at almost 10 years old.


5. Riviotta's/Strawn's/Fulford's Katie Katie is out of Tony's Billie and Davis' Bix. 12 pounds of fire. A very good dog and a very good producer.


I can list a lot more. Todd


Todd......... It took you 2 guys over a month lol ....


All of the ones you listed were good on your yard and one you listed because she was a good squirrel dog hahaha I think you might not want to trash the opussom when you give credit to a dog for hunting squirrel.


hahahaha Thanks for the laugh I think you and Tony can start over by deleting the post and come back with 5 that you guys sold as I asked for ... I will make it easier this time the 2 of you together come up with 5 ... I am leaving it alone now you have let the world see what I have seen ...

Edited by Yankee
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Yankee I personaly know dozens of great dogs they have bred (my father has personaly hunted with them )just because they are not at your beck and call for an answer or even bother to rise to your baiting does not mean you are right and inthis case far from it! I seem to remeber you sayying on Barnburn that everyone should give unknown guys like yourself a Terrier for free which no doubt you have now been able to aquire Have you repaid the guy that gifted you a Terrier and please Tell us of Five Working Terriers you have ever owned let alone bred,sold or even one that you yourself gave away! No Doubt you are offended by this question but it is only the same question that you posed to two of the very few men to go to great expence to import Patterdales into the States from which you yourself have eventualy reaped your free benefit,in Sport Jonathan

Edited by Jonathan Booth France
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