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First time decoying tomorrow

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Look for their flightline and get under it. As has been said, not a lot of point decoying as they are fattening up on berries, acorns, and cloverleaf. Pigeons are flocking together this time of year so sit and watch for a while to see where they are flighting.


Good luck



Edited by fozzy41
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well done mate. what type of ground were you shooting over :thumbs:



Cheers lads...It wasn't a crop field, it was just a field that had be plowed...at least i think it was, its all new stuff to me :D

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Wrong time of year for decoying mate so dont expect much, theyre still on berries and hedgerows.


wrong !!!

How is it wrong?

Ive been pigeon shooting for years and this time of year (between now and christmas) is probably the worst time to decoy as the pigeons:


1. Arent quite flocked up yet

2. Two many young birds about

3. Still feeding on last of the berrys, acorns etc (so not having to feed on the rape yet)

4. All winter drillings have now germinated so no seed on top

5. No frosts so not hard up on what to eat

6. Stubble fields gone


Berrys, acorns, clover, hedgerows, no frost, no stubble = NO DECOYING


Tell me where im wrong?!

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