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teaching to jump

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hello all, i have basically not trained my bullx to jump , he does it over small styles and jumps onto and over stone walls up to four and half foot no worries, normally. but i havent taught him at all and is reluctant to jump wire fences, i think it will cost us a lot of game where we run our dogs, any tips to get him jumping be appreciated, he's 14 month now, bit late i know

Edited by ianh
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when am teaching a dog to jump a always put a bit of plywood up at the gate of the inside garden and everyday it goes a walk it needs to jump over it to get out and just keep increasing the height as the dog gets better and say over as your command when it jumping it.. in time your dog will realise what the command over is. you dont want to be out lamping and needing to walk 50 yards in to the park for your dog to eventually jump the fence. you want it over the the fence before you and sitting down ready to get its lead back on


atb poacherman

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couldnt get Dodger to jump anything at first,i did the same i built a small fence that he had to jump before he could get out of the gate,that worked fine,but out side he was stubborn,in the end i brought his teddy with him the one he had since a pup,i threw it over a small fence lol poor thing cried and cried for it being a female i felt sorry for him,i jumped the fence lol Dodger thinking i was getting his teddy for him but no i walked passed it,eventually he jumped over,at the minute i am trying to train him to jump barred wired fences,i hate these as i have seen my mates dog ripped by them,so i take off my jacket to put over it,i am hoping eventually to remove the jacket.You can imagine me running along side him if ever i can get him to hunt telling him to wait till i throw the jacket on the fence lol,

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To jump a solid obstacle such as a wall, door or plywood is a completely different kettle of fish to jumping a fence, as you have proven by your pup jumping solid obstacles already with ease. You can get it to jump a 16 foot solid object, dont neccasarily follow that he will jump a 4 foot stock fence, I know this from experience. A method that has been mentioned here already is to put up an obstacle in the doorway of his kennel so he has to jump in and out, but use a short length of stock fence without the barb obviously (or you might get your own tackle caught up as you go in and out :icon_redface: ), bend it in half to start if you need to and as he or she gradually gets the confidence to get over it, un fold it and let him jump a greater height, exactly the same principle as with solid objects only with a piece of stock fence.

Absolute bollocks some may say, but perfectly accurate and correct I can assure you, as I think I have the twin to yours up my kennel, but using this method he is now jumping freely over fences. Some dogs are more inclined to jumping fences, for whatever reasons, others need a little bit of guidance and time spent to build confidence.

I hope this is of some use to you mate as I assure you it worked for me.


Best of luck :thumbs:

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  On 05/11/2010 at 17:02, lamping_dave said:

I got a barn door on my kennel which I open the top half and they jump out I av just got my 4month old saluki,collie, whippit jumpin it with ease and its about 4 1/2 foot high,



my 4month old whippet saluki grey just manages to jump out my barn door, the bullx has no hope, shes 6 months, she jumps straight up but hasnt got the idea she has 2 jump over not just jump up ha :wallbash: lol...

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cheers for the replys, i need to get it sorted he cut himself fairly bad trying to jump onto and over a barbed wire fence the other day, cause i live on the edge of the peaks he is really used to dry stone walls but we go lamping newark way, so its all fences :hmm:

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Guest joely b

take the dog with the older dogs that have got the jumping off to a tea. and get the dogs jumping in time he will follow and keep this up for a good few days or so beleave me the dogs confidence level will of shot up threw the sealing he will not look back give that ago mate

Edited by joely b
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