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daytime hunting

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Hello everyone,just out of interest how many of you regulary work your dogs through the day without ferrets? Ive been trying a bit of bushing lately with no success,I must be looking in the wrong places.

I went on an invited hunt last year where we walked huge fields seperated by tiny strips of woodland and the lads worked them with spaniels and terriers,the best day ive had by far,

so can anyone share any tips or stories please


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Same here if i take the dog out and im no working her i take the spanniel and the lab. She works round the cover when the other two are thrashing it out and will only enter it when she see's something trying to break cover

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what time of day do you go? what dogs you got? we do quite abit of mooching, couple dogs bushing then lurchers ready for whatever bolts. we go at first thing in morning as about to get light so stuffs heading home from the night or go out just as getting dark so stuff will be on its way out. is good fun, dogs get real good run and never know whats going to pop out the bush.

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beddy grey,pure grey,saluki grey,jack russel, I take the neighbours spaniel aswell it knows its job and gets stuck in with the terrier,what features are you looking for? and what are you likely to find?Ive had some results with the big rabbits hiding up in a 1 meter wide strip of long grass that runs the entire length of a big stubble field

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I go bushing in the day qwite often and we get good results 3 or 4 of us go with a mixture of jr's and a beddy lackland and 3 lurches a beardi collie/greyhound and a 3/4 greyhound 1/4greyhound and a collie/greyhound x bull/greyhound

Will get a pic or 2 up next week. You neva know wats going to break the cover. Alb taffyboi

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This is the only type of hunting i now do. Really good to watch your dogs hunting skills develop. I work two jack russells and a 1st cross collie/greyhound. Where i hunt there are very few rabbits and most of the fields are very small with hawthorn hedges or stone walls edged with thick bramble. I also work them in woodland and sometimes on an old disused railway track. If a rabbit does break cover the lurcher has all on to catch. Its a good job im not bothered about catching big numbers or catching regular beacause basically i don't catch that often, but i love it and so do the dogs. I think if i found it too easy i would lose interest. My smallest jack has occasionally gone down a burrow for a while.....something that i detest, my other has never has. The lurcher is very quick off the mark and is also very careful not to injure herself, but i still feel i need something with abit more acceleration off the mark. Saying that my old whippet was quicker and an excellent worker, but he didn't put a strike in quick enough for me. I like to see my dogs hunting for their quarry, holding a dog on a slip certainly isnt for me.



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Lets look at it this way if you go to early in the morning then the quary will no where you are befor you no where it is ...that is just the way it is ......pre ban pushing a wood out give your quary time to get laid up (not on its feet) this way you can get on top of it and it wont be so keen on moving till it gets bumped out then you can run it .....and rabbits you should be catching these for fun in the day or geting runs at least but you cant run whats not there.......good look and give it a try it may fill your freezer atb x38

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This is the only type of hunting i now do. Really good to watch your dogs hunting skills develop. I work two jack russells and a 1st cross collie/greyhound. Where i hunt there are very few rabbits and most of the fields are very small with hawthorn hedges or stone walls edged with thick bramble. I also work them in woodland and sometimes on an old disused railway track. If a rabbit does break cover the lurcher has all on to catch. Its a good job im not bothered about catching big numbers or catching regular beacause basically i don't catch that often, but i love it and so do the dogs. I think if i found it too easy i would lose interest. My smallest jack has occasionally gone down a burrow for a while.....something that i detest, my other has never has. The lurcher is very quick off the mark and is also very careful not to injure herself, but i still feel i need something with abit more acceleration off the mark. Saying that my old whippet was quicker and an excellent worker, but he didn't put a strike in quick enough for me. I like to see my dogs hunting for their quarry, holding a dog on a slip certainly isnt for me.








Same here........And we catch nothing aswell, but the Dogs love it. :thumbs:

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