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if london still had the krays, mclean, shaw etc

Guest stewie

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it wouldnt be any better...it would still be full o cockneys

The scottish are too thick to have any hardcore criminals..... maybe egg poaching that's it!!   Lots of gay hard men, they stick together i'm told Dotty. Is this true?  

Hilarious....i reckon 90% of people talking about Londoners on this thread are northerners,or at least not London people.....i was a kid when the Krays were banged up and the reality is they are far m

They got feked off real sharpish [bANNED TEXT] they once came to sheffield.Every city has had its old time crime gangs nowadays they wouldent last ten minutes.Wat ever happend to respecting people who put a pair of working boots on every day and went out and grafted plastic gangsters these days seem to get more respect than them.

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  On 05/11/2010 at 02:06, stewie said:
  On 05/11/2010 at 02:00, readie said:

yep,killing people for no reason sure it would be a better place. :thumbdown:

so that dont happen every week down there now??? :doh: :doh: id rather a few gangland killings between themselves than immigrants killing and raping our own wouldnt you???

Your right in one way stewie.



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Maybe if they were a few old time gangs about these dirty scum bags wouldent be ruleing the roost in my home town wich they do now as everhttp://www.thestar.co.uk/news/SEX-CONVICTIONS-Profiles-of-convicted.6614112.jpy feker is terrified of them :censored: :censored:

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The only difference between the gangs of the Krays era and todays gangs is race........no difference in their methods they're all thugs and have the same motivating factor,money and power.95% in the Krays era were white British gangs these days its much more multi-cultural

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A little off the subject. Forget The Krays, small fry and silly.


Now this chap was very clever, run rings around everyone from the uk to Australia.


Those who never heard of him, then do some research into him if you like this kind of crime fighting.


This man to date has a very pricey contract on his head, basically a dead man walking.


Paul Grimes.



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