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if london still had the krays, mclean, shaw etc

Guest stewie

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Guest underdog

The Krays !


they would take your money, get your throat cut or other nasty stuff for looking at them the wrong way, but at least you could leave your front door unlocked ! Lol



Which book did you read !


Did you ever meet the Krays gnasher?

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it wouldnt be any better...it would still be full o cockneys

The scottish are too thick to have any hardcore criminals..... maybe egg poaching that's it!!   Lots of gay hard men, they stick together i'm told Dotty. Is this true?  

Hilarious....i reckon 90% of people talking about Londoners on this thread are northerners,or at least not London people.....i was a kid when the Krays were banged up and the reality is they are far m

Did you ever meet the Krays gnasher?



No never,i was a kid when they was around,but i trust the word of enough folk who did know them to be able to accept it wasnt all like its been portrayed through books etc.....Put it this way,id rather live in the Bethnal Green of the 60,s than the Bethnal Green of today,and 99% of Londoners would say the same so life couldnt have been that bad back then.

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yes they did crime but look what with have now,blacks runnin round muggin,car jackin, stabbin i dont think they would let these feckers run the streets,bring back the old gansters i say aleast they had respect for the coman folk :thumbs:

have you heard what the krays did to common folk just to get there name up the market :( :( :( :( nothing but bullies if you ask me

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yes they did crime but look what with have now,blacks runnin round muggin,car jackin, stabbin i dont think they would let these feckers run the streets,bring back the old gansters i say aleast they had respect for the coman folk :thumbs:

they would have no choice would they really,them against all the people now.hmm really.

if they were about now it would of been kept on top of they ruled londons underworld :thumbs:

krays would be no match for the russians.different ball game today.

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Did you ever meet the Krays gnasher?



No never,i was a kid when they was around,but i trust the word of enough folk who did know them to be able to accept it wasnt all like its been portrayed through books etc.....Put it this way,id rather live in the Bethnal Green of the 60,s than the Bethnal Green of today,and 99% of Londoners would say the same so life couldnt have been that bad back then.

gnasher thats excatly what i was getting at mate and why i asked the question :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Guest underdog

Did you ever meet the Krays gnasher?



No never,i was a kid when they was around,but i trust the word of enough folk who did know them to be able to accept it wasnt all like its been portrayed through books etc.....Put it this way,id rather live in the Bethnal Green of the 60,s than the Bethnal Green of today,and 99% of Londoners would say the same so life couldnt have been that bad back then.


same everywhere though mate, countrys gone to the dogs. Too many wee c**ts who couldn't fight there way out of a wet paper bag but are ready to end a life in the blink of an eye knowing fine well, they'll be out in 5 years with a rep.

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Being linked to the Krays back then was seen as a good career move if you was that way inclined,if you was a criminal from East London and you wasnt linked to the Krays you were seen as fair game simply because they wanted to control everything.If you was straight going people there was no problem my old dad was a fearless man who would take shit from no man but he never had any bother as the Krays were not interested in law abiding folk,infact from what the ol man said they was always generous,kind and helpful.

Im no cheerleader for the Krays i just think its all been a bit overdone and exaggerated ( glamorised i suppose ) :blink:

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Did the Krays ever do a hard days work for a living? :hmm:


Did a feckin politician ?



Sorry, what I meant to say that I have to agree with you, they share the same attributes, They're both parasites one way or another, lining their own pocket at the expense of those that have less... at any cost, blatant bullies or cunning bullies they're all the same. :yes: (spelling)

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Sorry, what I meant to say that I have to agree with you, they share the same attributes, They're both parasites one way or another, lining their own pocket at the expense of those that have less... at any cost, blatant bullies or cunning bullies they're all the same. :yes: (spelling)



Every man chooses his own path in life some walk the straight law abiding route some dont,as long as the ones who choose crime as a career dont sit whingeing and moaning about it when it go,s wrong then fair enough.

To me theres far worse scum in our socieites doing far worse than lining their pockets at others expense......but unfortunately your average rapists,kiddy fiddlers and junkie pensioner beaters dont seem to be as hated as a few men fighting over money anymore :doh:

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if the krays was around now no dought if they wanted to choose the same path. The world changes n in this day and age everyone can get a gun.

I dont think the krays would make much difference today...society has changed always has been crime but less morals now...back then armed robbery n youll do big bird...now grow some plants with less risk n less time if caught....appeals to alot more people n makes more comp.


Today youve got the adams, ken noye ect truth is if your a criminal i imagen you wanna get rich n not get caught..not change the world lol

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if the krays was around now no dought if they wanted to choose the same path. The world changes n in this day and age everyone can get a gun.

I dont think the krays would make much difference today...society has changed always has been crime but less morals now...back then armed robbery n youll do big bird...now grow some plants with less risk n less time if caught....appeals to alot more people n makes more comp.


Today youve got the adams, ken noye ect truth is if your a criminal i imagen you wanna get rich n not get caught..not change the world lol


Today you got Kenny Noye :blink: ...he will be in his early 70,s by the time he gets to spend his millions....for a smart guy he made the biggest f**k up any man could make !

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