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Rifle care inside and out

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Trying to keep my rifle in tip top condition looks wise but more importantly mechanicaly. . .

I wipe my rifle over after evry shoot with a dry rag then a cloth with a couple of drops of gun oil, i take the stock of to do this,

How often should i be oiling working parts? Do i need to clean barrel? Ect ect.

Any advice or just a quick run through on how you keep your rifle in good working order wil be very helpfull.

Cheers. .ste.

Any advice on

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Hi fella, it is good discipline to wipe your gun down after every shoot and will keep it in tip top condition, i would oil only the working part's that need it, but only a little at a time, it takes only a very thin layer to do the job, clean barrel only when accuracy start's to tail off, some barrel's are more fussy than other's and rarely need a clean, but if rifle get's very damp then a pull through with a little oil on a patch and then a dry patch pulled through will clean it really well and remove any dampness then a few of your favourite pellets to relead the barrel and job done. people have different method's but as long as you follow this roughly you should not have any problem's, hope this helps.

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Stick to servicing as per manufacture intervals, it's a good idea to have a spare seal set and if your fairly handy with stripping gun's etc you can do it yourself whenever you feel the need, your gun will soon let you know, but please make sure you take great care and are aware of the danger's when working with high pressure system's. don't let it put you off doing your own servicing though fella as you will soon become familiar with how it all work's and advice is never far away :thumbs:

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Thanks guys, when the time comes i wil try and carry out maintainance and repairs myself (where possible),

Safe in the knowledge that people like yourselves can guide me through any problems/tricky bits.

In time with a little guidence i hope to be able to work confidently on my own rifles.

Have taken on board what you have said and ofcourse safety is paramount.

Cheers guys .ste.

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