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My First Fallow

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Well after going out o this estate a couple of weeks ago after a buck of some description and only seeing does (but loads of them) I booked on to be back when the does were in season. So today I was up at 5.30 and set off. I was at the keepers house on 6.30 at the dot and off we set.


It was a quick drive in the defender to the woodland and off we set. The wind was strong from the north so we stalked around the the woods. After 5 mins we turned the corner to see a roe doe melt in to the woods. So off we set again and, as we got to roughly where we had seen the doe she appeared from cover and off she went once again. So we carried on once more without seeing anything for the next quarter of an hour and as we rounded the corner of another patch of woodland there they were, a larger group of fallow out in the middle of the field working their way back from the cover crop where they had been feeding to the woods. There was about 10 does and 1 massive buck. We both froze on the spot and didn't move for about 60 seconds until we were sure we were not being watched so we doubled back, and into the woods so the wind was blowing in to out faces. Once in cover and upon further examination I was examined that the buck would not be for taking as he had such large palmated antlers and apparently many hardly have any palmation in the area (wether this is a genetic thing or due to the management of the person who previously leased the ground hitting them to hard I dont know) Any way i was more than happy to leave him as he was that splendid a beast he was worthy of a shoulder mount and i dont have the cash for that :oops: Anyway the fallow were moving towards us slowly but steadily and then one doe broke off from the group and stopped, broadside on directly in front of me. Slowly i steadied on the sticks and let the shot go and the doe lurched up and forward (always a good thing) and ran about 20 yards before collapsing. We walked up to her and she was dead and it was later revealed the shot (pictured bellow) took out both lungs so im happy with that. I paced it out to be 103 yards and im happy with that and wouldn't have wanted to take the shot much further on sticks.


So it was 7.30 and we had a deer on the ground and Ian went to get the landy. the other fallow and splendours buck didn't move off for about 5 mins so i got to watch them. I then performed my first gralloch on a deer under Ian's supervision and i got there eventually :roll: and had a thoroughly enjoyable morning.


The shot:




The deer:





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  On 03/11/2010 at 20:31, stalkerboydy said:

Well done hope there is many more to come :thumbs: Out of interest was you told to shoot your Deer at the point of impact????????? If i do any above centre line and they cant count 10 clean rib they get marked down :censored:


I took the shot just in the 'kill zone' so to speak and that was where it struck. I assume you are talking about the game dealer marking it down? if so it wont be a problem to the estate as its all goes to the "boss's" table if not bought by the client.



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  On 04/11/2010 at 19:53, branch hopper said:

hope its the first of many this season for you, out of curiosity what jacket is that yor wearing


branch hopper


Thanks I also hope its the first of many :thumbs: and that'd be a nomad smock. Not a cheap bit of kit but i got a 'deal' (still not f**king cheap :blink: ) on one. I was meaning to buy something gortex and more like a coat such as harkila but heard good things about them and as I just discovered Privi ammo does 3 shots touching in my tikka i didn't need to spend over £300 on some RCBS reloading kit I felt flush and treated myself :angel: Was out in it today in the rain whilst presher washing for 3 hours (constant rain) and stayed bone dry so it looks good on first impressions. Its dead comfy but i would say it lacks in the pockets department and with my belt laden with things im starting to look a bit like action man :laugh:



Edited by Groach
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