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Easy rabbits in the dales!

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me and mate took a trip up north last night on some land a cousin had. It was in the yorkshire dales. got 79 rabbits, only missed 6. we had 2 lurchers, they are avrage lampers, nothing special. C

me and mate took a trip up north last night on some land a cousin had.

It was in the yorkshire dales.

got 79 rabbits, only missed 6.

we had 2 lurchers, they are avrage lampers, nothing special.

Could not believe how easy they were to catch up their. :icon_eek:

I am from essex and their bloody hard.


Yep,, look at the land feckers carnt run proper on it,, could take a pure collie up there and mop em up,, bounce em off the stone walls all night, can make a average dog look shit hot. Big numbers slow land = big bags.

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If you think the lampings easey in parts of the dales i have found ferreting is even easier and a doddle compaired to some other parts of the country esecially down south.:thumbs:


the rabbits are huge up the dales, the majority anyway and the ferret finds it very hard to kill-in. always had a good day out in the dales it has to be my fav place for a days rabbiting by far :thumbs:

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me and mate took a trip up north last night on some land a cousin had.

It was in the yorkshire dales.

got 79 rabbits, only missed 6.

we had 2 lurchers, they are avrage lampers, nothing special.

Could not believe how easy they were to catch up their. :icon_eek:

I am from essex and their bloody hard.


Yep,, look at the land feckers carnt run proper on it,, could take a pure collie up there and mop em up,, bounce em off the stone walls all night, can make a average dog look shit hot. Big numbers slow land = big bags.


pure collie :doh: that old chestnut ,

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same up the northern dales were i go weardale ,had some good nites up their ferreting and lamping ,had some good bags up their ,a few year back took over 100 rabbits of the hills with 3 average lamping dogs,i,m going back a fews years now but still get good nites up their :thumbs:


when my oldest dog was about 13 month she caught about 20 rabbits in less than half an hour, that was at begining of season though, after they get lamped a lot they get harder. i started my pup up there few months back at about 9 month and she killed 5/7 first time on the lamp.

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