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Hunt sab (anti) falls in a ditch

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strangely enough he has the look of a peado about him,,as to the videoingat a shoot in cambs area recently some idiots turned up going on about killing things as they do police were called and we were told they can film any where they want they get round it by saying they were videoing the wildlife and we turned up got in the way thats how they get around filming odd thing 2 of there cars got flat tyres both sides on the back and there exhausts got full of mud :whistling: shouldn't park near fields sharp stones and all that mud.




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If you look through utube and the anti sites there are a few vids of the same guy doing the same thing, act polite then, get in front of the horses and refuse to move then fall over. Its a drill they have down to a t. The best thing to do is film them, dont speak dont harass just stand quietly in front of them and film constantly, they hate it.

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they need to sort out there priorities if its compassion or whatever they think it is go and help the homeless the starving orphans in chechnya just want to be seen to there neighbours and friends like there something special what they dont understand is there doing more harm to the fox population by stopping the weak and diseased from being culled then making the poipulation as a whole suffer cus theres no natural selection in shooting the things

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Did i read that right,the bloke was banged up for 6 months :icon_eek:


If some prick came up with a camera and started filming me he,d do well to get away with only falling in a ditch !


i sure it was the third time [all different cases]he was up in court for this and was already on a 12 month court order

same hear mate, sad c**ts need a fukin hammering, im sure its illegal to film people without there permission too :censored:


am not sure about adults mate but when we went to are childrens sports day and Christmas show if you want to take pictures you have to fill in a form

no law against filming adults but they should surely be charged with filming if any under 16s are there

the tossers should be be hung

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That's Helen Weeks and Grahame Foreskin local unwashed freaks!


This is a picture of Foreskin aka on youtube as "greysky29" and the druggy in the background is Neal Bukkake aka on youtube as "somersab and ennraahaa"


post-33-070211200 1288801308_thumb.jpg

does anyone know where this kunt lives :thumbs:

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they need to sort out there priorities if its compassion or whatever they think it is go and help the homeless the starving orphans in chechnya just want to be seen to there neighbours and friends like there something special what they dont understand is there doing more harm to the fox population by stopping the weak and diseased from being culled then making the poipulation as a whole suffer cus theres no natural selection in shooting the things

save your breath mate,theres no reasoning with these freaks of nature :censored: they are deluded crazy pieces of shit :censored: and they all want putting to sleep :censored:

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Like DIDO.1 says the best thing to do is use there own tactic against them. One of the hunts on youtube has followers in cars with orange flashing lights which will follow the sabs/monitors where ever they go. If they (the sabs) are films like they film the hunt they get very upset about it pretty quickly. I love following the hunt when I have the time, but would gladly give up some of that time to follow a hunt monitor with a camera filming them. I reckon if we all did that they would pretty quickly get sick of it and piss off.



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get a fox and train it to do shutzhund or whatever its called set it on a few stad behind the bush n watch it go but train it to go for the throat n not the arm they wont think more of them than starving diseased children that can be saved for as little as a couple o quid instead of all the money they waste trying to police someones personal rights

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