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Went pigeon shooting first time for while

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Went pigeon shooting first time for while yesterday not the best day we ever had we struggled to pull the birds in when we did manage it i could'nt hit bugger all lol my mate cleaned the floor with me we only maneded to get 7 birds, the hi point of the day was me boy shot his first bird now he's hooked and selling up all his carp gear so he rekons at one point during the morning the birds were coming into us then all of a sudden verring off we thought they could see us but we changed nothing then we realised what it was ........ a bloody great lurcher wandering aboutbehind a bit of woodland beside us,next thing the old bill turned up then some blokes in a 4x4 went by really slow,anyways we just left and were checking out a bit of land we got for ferreting old bill turned up again asked us if we seen any body hare coursing turns out the blokes were coursin and old bill picked them up and they "lost"thier dog different kinda day i thought.

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