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What knife should i get

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I was given a Helle knife for my 21st, now i know knifes are brought to be used ect ect but i cant bring myself to use this one just yet.


Ive had a fair few in the past, from folding straight bladed greber, to the swiss army pocket knife, and even the bowie (5inch) but i cant seem to find one that lasts very long (working on a farm they tend to get chiped or blunt within a few days use.


Im looking for one with a guthook, non-folding but keeps its edge for some time, it also needs to be able to take heavy duty useage from being a farm worker aswell as a hunter, and has a sheath too.


now maybe there isnt one knife that will do what i need, and maybe i should get a nice knife for hunting ( with a gut hook) then a straight blade for work.


any ideas on what make/model to go for? looking round the internet gives me about 300 to chose from.

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right, I have some experience here, I have carried and usd for about 4 or so years an Opinel no9 inox knife, I've had a few over the years and the blade has always been too thick and the steel as been too crap. this has brilliant steel, it's inexpensive so it won't matter too much if you lose it, it loks open securely, rides well in the pocket wit no pointy or sharp bits, brilliant, I wouldn't spend any more money on an everyday knife when I have the opinel!

I recommend two knives, one for farm use and the other for use on game, IMO, I don't see the need for a gut hook, they look good perhaps, but I think they are of little practical value, just something to get hooked up and something else to sharpen I have had for a few months a Knives of Alaska Cub bear caping knife, I use that for small game prep, the blade is nice and small, not oo tall and not too long. perfect for doing pigeons and rabbits, the blade is 440C, people say it's not up to the job, but boy does it take an edge and it hold it too!

if you end up chipping knives or getting them blunt after a couple of days, it seems like you're putting some heavy usage on them and no steel will give you edge holding and chip resistance like I think you're after you either seem to get one or the other or a compromise, sounds like you need a bill hook!

if you really want a superior steel, then expect to pay for it, 440C is a good steel as is D2 tool steel, this might be a better thing as a farm knife http://www.knivesofalaska.com/catalog/prod_display.aspx?from=Fixed%20Blade%20Knives&cat=Bush%20Camp with a thick blade that'll stand up to a bit of abuse, hacking and prying, again not cheap, but from my experience with them this comany does make some pretty good dteel, and at the end of the day, what good is a knife, even if it is the prettiest in the world, if the blade steel is rubbish?!#


or as dakaras says, one of those cheapie frosts or mora knives, loads of people have them and I hear they're not bad either, check out their review on the gunmart website....

Edited by danebrewer10
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OPINEL. Of whichever size suits you. The handle is solid, fits well and durable, the lock works simply and forever and the blade is actually made of decent carbon steel rather than stainless shit so will sharpen to a razor time and time and time again. Also Mora is good but fixed blade with a shit sheath.

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  On 01/11/2010 at 09:42, iamduvern said:

Opinel No8 for everyday use and Fallkniven F1 for heavy duty use keep them clean and stone them and they will last a life time


The man wants a sturdy fixed blade knife with a gut hook and a sheaf not a poncy rust-prone folding French toothpick with a blade about as strong as a piece of paper and no gut hook or sheaf or an expensive scandanavian knife with no gut hook! My choice would be either a Schrade Old Timer Gut hook Skinner or a fixed blade gerber gator gut hook See: www.thebushcraftstore.co.uk/gerber-gator-fixed-gut-hook-bladed-knife-144-p.asp

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I have 2 knives:

Opinel for everyday skinning and game prep, the other is my trusted kukri knife, this is up to the most delicate or toughest of jobs everything from chopping trees down to chopping the vegetables (albeit a bit roughly and you need a bucket to catch the chopped bits as they fly off the board across the room!) plus the 2 small knives in the sheath -small skinning knife called 'karda' plus a fire steel calle 'chakmak - not my names for them I add but the nepalee name, anyway 2 knifes have done me proud for years.


The only other knifes I have are multi tools - an original stainless Leatherman and a small Leatherman 'juice'.

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