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BSA r10 takes on some feather


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Thanks John and Beddy :thumbs:


Ive just been told that I am on exercise again this month for a week in the UK, so may be able to pick up the new .177 Ultra (full review to follow later) from tench and have a play :thumbs: .


Im going to be in Blandford again so will be able to pop up and see Mark Vining for a shoot if he's up for it and test out the new tench tuned vermin destroyer :victory:


Blandford camp is also full of bunnies so i should get to use it on a few of them too.


Keep your fingers crossed for me lads.





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top class shooting again there buddy if your ever up this neck of the woods giz a shout buddy theres always an open invite mate ...ps spoke to john ray yesterday and passed your regards probably gonna be down there at the weekend


atb gary

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Nice one Gary thanks for the invite buddy,


Thanks for passing on my regards to John, he’s a nice man and his permission is nice and big.


Hopefully that permission will be alive again now mate and you will be able to knock some bunnies over.


I’m glad that someone like you have taken over my old permission mate, as John is getting a top shot and good mate of mine looking after his farm and not a cowboy like there are every where these days buddy.





Edited by zini
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your right about it being alive i parked up at the bottom of the lane (where we normally park) it was 14:30 and counted 12 bunnies playing in the field (remember that field you fell down a rabbit hole) :whistling: :whistling:

so hopefully this wind will drop by the weekend :thumbs:


atb gary

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Sounds good mate.


I wish you well.


Can you have a look in the barn for me as well Gary bud and just knock over any ferals that have re homed themselfs in there.John will apprieciate that mate.



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