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I have a 10 month old deerhound which has been brought up on a good diet and the right sort of exercise but a couple of days noticed a small lump on the top of his tendon where it meets the thigh on his rear leg.Took him to the vet and it could be lymph node cancer , just wondered if anybody knew anything about this illness in dogs?

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The lymph nodes are the front liners in a battle against infection: they often swell up if the dog is slightly unwell, though I must admit it is usually both,(on each hind leg) which swell if it is infection of some sort. Fingers crossed it is nothing more sinister than that.

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Osteosarcoma its a killer of the breed, but its a little unusual for a young dog to get it,

although its not out of the question.







Personaly i wouldnt start to worry just yet, not untill you have had tests done

although rate of survival for deerhounds that have Osteosarcoma is verry low

it can be beaten, although the dog would have to have the leg removed.


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