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Guest oldskool
that looks good but would it perform as well as the modern ones ie. black widdow and diablo!



i think alot of those sling shots and things are only as good as the boy using it :) .... now, i'm not into my shooting but my mates are clay pigeon fanatics!! to illustrate my point, one has a side by side and at a rough guess i would say the value is roughly about £50... my other mate has a fancy semi-auto magic weapon (or so he thought) which set him back £900 or so he says... they both get the same amount of practice but guess who the better shot is, and guess who always ends up with a cross head and the end of a days shooting clays :laugh: ... its a comical sight when the side by side starts breaking clays and the 'magic weapon' is shouting at me to run out and lift his clays so he can shoot them again :laugh:

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