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were u from mate? this was in north wales area.



were down at selsey mate on the south coast i think the pikeys have had them away to be honest they have had alot of thieving down there road i really do feel for my mate

dont blame gypsys for everthing there is alot of bad people out there good luck with getting your dogs back



cheers mate

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typical p***y carnt f*****g spell f**k off mate didnt write it to get shit of u when a dog goes missing and theres pikeys about its useually f*****g them

your right he must have told someone that he was away or some tinker b***%*d took it hope you get it back atb hog

and why would that be because most of your lads dose most of the theveing

were u from mate? this was in north wales area.



were down at selsey mate on the south coast i think the pikeys have had them away to be honest they have had alot of thieving down there road i really do feel for my mate

dont blame gypsys for everthing there is alot of bad people out there good luck with getting your dogs back

Listen i would never chore another mans dog!me and my 8 year old boy spend all our spare time training and looking after our dogs,if they were to go missing he would be heart broken as i would be too.Who ever took this fella's dogs are low lifes without a doubt who or whateva they are....WE AINT ALL BAD!

:notworthy: just as i said earlier!!!!!! this has basically turned into a bitching thread!! nothin about dogs or hunting..... :thumbdown: if you all want to act like little bitches then fcuk off onto a social networkin site... its pr*cks like you lot who give genuine dog lads a bad name. :wallbash: ...chris......

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were u from mate? this was in north wales area.



were down at selsey mate on the south coast i think the pikeys have had them away to be honest they have had alot of thieving down there road i really do feel for my mate

dont blame gypsys for everthing there is alot of bad people out there good luck with getting your dogs back

Listen i would never chore another mans dog!me and my 8 year old boy spend all our spare time training and looking after our dogs,if they were to go missing he would be heart broken as i would be too.Who ever took this fella's dogs are low lifes without a doubt who or whateva they are....WE AINT ALL BAD!

:notworthy: just as i said earlier!!!!!! this has basically turned into a bitching thread!! nothin about dogs or hunting..... :thumbdown: if you all want to act like little bitches then fcuk off onto a social networkin site... its pr*cks like you lot who give genuine dog lads a bad name. :wallbash: ...chris......



oi who the f**k are you to judge people were all dog people or we wood not be on here . any way who chucked u a peanut

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were u from mate? this was in north wales area.



were down at selsey mate on the south coast i think the pikeys have had them away to be honest they have had alot of thieving down there road i really do feel for my mate

dont blame gypsys for everthing there is alot of bad people out there good luck with getting your dogs back

Listen i would never chore another mans dog!me and my 8 year old boy spend all our spare time training and looking after our dogs,if they were to go missing he would be heart broken as i would be too.Who ever took this fella's dogs are low lifes without a doubt who or whateva they are....WE AINT ALL BAD!

:notworthy: just as i said earlier!!!!!! this has basically turned into a bitching thread!! nothin about dogs or hunting..... :thumbdown: if you all want to act like little bitches then fcuk off onto a social networkin site... its pr*cks like you lot who give genuine dog lads a bad name. :wallbash: ...chris......



oi who the f**k are you to judge people were all dog people or we wood not be on here . any way who chucked u a peanut

am a genuine dog lad thats who!!!!! all you have done is hide behind a keyboard slandering a lad whos a traveller...nothing about gettin the dogs back etc etc...your a wind up merchant mate....am not a traveller or p**key as you like to call them, just a genuine guy wi my dogs best interests at heart!!!! your mouth is gonna get you into serious trouble one day mate , thats for sure..atb..chris

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were u from mate? this was in north wales area.



were down at selsey mate on the south coast i think the pikeys have had them away to be honest they have had alot of thieving down there road i really do feel for my mate

dont blame gypsys for everthing there is alot of bad people out there good luck with getting your dogs back

Listen i would never chore another mans dog!me and my 8 year old boy spend all our spare time training and looking after our dogs,if they were to go missing he would be heart broken as i would be too.Who ever took this fella's dogs are low lifes without a doubt who or whateva they are....WE AINT ALL BAD!

:notworthy: just as i said earlier!!!!!! this has basically turned into a bitching thread!! nothin about dogs or hunting..... :thumbdown: if you all want to act like little bitches then fcuk off onto a social networkin site... its pr*cks like you lot who give genuine dog lads a bad name. :wallbash: ...chris......



oi who the f**k are you to judge people were all dog people or we wood not be on here . any way who chucked u a peanut

am a genuine dog lad thats who!!!!! all you have done is hide behind a keyboard slandering a lad whos a traveller...nothing about gettin the dogs back etc etc...your a wind up merchant mate....am not a traveller or p**key as you like to call them, just a genuine guy wi my dogs best interests at heart!!!! your mouth is gonna get you into serious trouble one day mate , thats for sure..atb..chris



chris it had all stopped then u had to put your 2 ps worth so dont blame me wanker

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lhad a phone call of my mates misses tonight saying the dogs have gone so i drove down there and yep there gone my mate has gone to france for a weeks fishing ive phoned the local warden and the police but nothing what to do .do i phone my mate in france or what i carnt f*****g belive it im going to have a drive about i dont hold much luck though they are a saluki gra whippet and a saluki gra

ffs you come on here and ask if you should tell your mate his dogs have been stolen its the first thing that should have been done

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lmao what a carckin thread ....... but you got to understand what the traveller lads / lasses are saying with anything that goes missin its them to blame ..... wish you was all so quick to see whats happening around you with the likes of all the muzrats ..... we all need to stick together and help our own out, weva they be travellers or not.


best of luck finding your mates dogs ... get some pics up :thumbs:

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how nows cud of been some tramp of yer astate always going on about us gipsys butt not your salfs arasists bunch of prixxs



typical p***y carnt f*****g spell f**k off mate didnt write it to get shit of u when a dog goes missing and theres pikeys about its useually f*****g them

selsey lamper its "cant" not "carnt"and its "usually" not"useually"!!Im a gypsy and i can spell better then you!!All you hear on this poxy site is,tinkers done this and pikeys done that! But lets have a bit of truth told shall we because its so easy to accuse and rant and rave behind a keyboard aint it but when it comes to the face to face lip you aint got the guts of a starved pup have ya "selsey lamper"!!Shut ya ridiculous mouth! ya making yaself look a proper sop like the rest of ya that think its big and hard to have the mouth on here!! Like i said we know the truth though dont we!!!!!!!!!!!FACT...LOL


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we all need to stick together and help our own out, weva they be travellers or not.



I completely agree,the only thing that pisses me off is that there must be groups of lads all over the country who only ever go out together with chored dogs,otherwise surely by f**k a lot more would soon be found and returned to their rightful owners if i saw a mate with a stolen dog no matter what id f**k him off out of it and do the right thing,as most will tell you the f*****g dogs gone and that's bad enough but someone somewhere knows where the f****r is who ever that may be,would not want to be associated with a thieving no good c**t no matter what,just my two pence worth

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i think you should put your number up mate and hopefully someone can give you a bell .... the chap dont even need to know who the calls from .... but just to anyone that "may" know where the dog is, i hope you never have to go through the same as this chap or many others.

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