twobob 1,497 Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 Fishing the river wye in hereford just bent forward to tighten the line and a mink ran across in front of me that made me jump abit Quote Link to post Share on other sites
OldNog 432 Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 The worst feeling is when you are somewhere you are not meant to be at night and you suddenly realize that all the trees around you have hundreds of pheasants in them. . . . yeah terrible feeling that Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Catcher 1 639 Posted February 21, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 Hate walking a park day dreaming and a partridge gets up at your feet. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
baw 4,360 Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 I remember camping with the mates, loch edge, was in my late teens. We never had a boat but what was basically a large tyre inner tube. Full of the drink as you do, I paddled this bloody tube out into the sea loch to drop a fishing weight with bait further out than we could cast. Anyhow, I drops the weight roughly 100 yards out and I can here the mates shouting SHARK!!! I'm like aye right, never expected you lot to try that one..... I looks around anyway and right enough, the biggest fin I've ever seen is heading my way!!! Well, I thrashed the water to a foam, couldn't have got in quicker if I was on a jet ski lol. Turned out it was a harmless baskin shark. That film jaws has a lot to answer for. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Catcher 1 639 Posted February 21, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 I remember camping with the mates, loch edge, was in my late teens. We never had a boat but what was basically a large tyre inner tube. Full of the drink as you do, I paddled this bloody tube out into the sea loch to drop a fishing weight with bait further out than we could cast. Anyhow, I drops the weight roughly 100 yards out and I can here the mates shouting SHARK!!! I'm like aye right, never expected you lot to try that one..... I looks around anyway and right enough, the biggest fin I've ever seen is heading my way!!! Well, I thrashed the water to a foam, couldn't have got in quicker if I was on a jet ski lol. Turned out it was a harmless baskin shark. That film jaws has a lot to answer for. :laugh: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
vixen 528 Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 One night out lamping and i sensed something behind us, just as i turned round a barn owl was swooping at us that gave wyllie such a fright, i was fine .........then one evening in the woods my wee lurcher ran on in front of me, i was half way up the hill and the woods errupted, crashing trees and breaking sticks and 5 roe deer came running toward me........omg i wasn't expecting them, that was scary as i didn't know what the heck was running toward me but i knew it wasn't my wee lurcher with the crashing and branches breaking, bloody fings Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Catcher 1 639 Posted February 21, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 One night pre-ban.Me Undi and afew lads where out lamping.cant remember if keano was there.Anyway we had to go over a small bing.As we did so the ground gave way under me.The only thing that stoped me falling all the way through was my back pack.Iam screaming get me the f**k out of here as i felt nothing below my feet.As per the lads are roleing about the ground laughing.The b*****ds finely got me out.Its was raining bad i was freezing and shaking like a leave.And Undi wouldent give me the keys to go back to the car. A very scarry night. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jasper65 6 Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 I never normaly tell anyone this as most think I'm taking the pee! I promise you with all my heart the story is true. it all happend about 11 - 12 years ago. to cut a long story short I walked into a small wood with a guy and his son who was about 14 at the time, his father had lost his Harrishawk which had become Tangled in a tree near the middle of the wood, this wood is pretty untouched by Humans in a rural part of norfolk. once his bird was located we made are way through the nettles in the wood making a path to below the tree before getting his lad on my shoulders to start his climb up the tree. while he was up there I turned to look back along the trodden nettle path to see to the right where the nettles was still standing! movement on the tops of the nettles moving in the direction of the trodden path about 15 feet away, I paused and waited to see what might appear in the clearing! I nearly passed out when a large black cat about the size of a Labrador skulked out of the bottom of the nettled turning away from us and disapeared out of sight. I looked up to see the guys lad looking down in the same direction and asked him what did he see? he Replied "A Big Black Cat", the lad was 100% shitting himself when he came down and refused to go back through the wood! to my surprise his father was having a roll up never saw it. we ended up walking the long way round the outside of the wood and home. Ok I now it sounds pants! but its 100% genuine. I never normally mention it expecially on this forum with you lot but hey ho you can all take the piss now . Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Catcher 1 639 Posted February 21, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 Think most of us have alot of stories.Most people would not beleave.Unless they see them for themself.Bet theres a few crackers out there.atb.Catcher Quote Link to post Share on other sites
baw 4,360 Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 Me and the mate were going boarding but on the way we bumped into a guy we knew out lamping with his lurcher. Within seconds the 3 of us and a dog were going boardin. The place we were going was stocked to the max with trout. Half an hour in and a good couple of dozen trout to the good we heard this noise which sounded like a siren. Anyone who has poached and thinks they have been rumbled will know how we were feeling. You don't think straight and common sense tells you they wouldn't use sirens but the mind plays tricks. Anyhow, the siren was getting louder and we panicked, started throwing trout back in the water lol, pulling the boards in fast in blind panic they snagged on a post in the water. Mates giving it cut the line... I'm thinking f**k that so I hid the line under a rock all the while the wail of the siren is ringing in our ears.... We started legging it back to the van, wailing getting louder.... Hearts pounding in our ears.... Then realisation sunk in.... It was the f*****g dog that was howling!!! He'd ripped the roof cloth off the front of the van and tore up the f*****g seats!!! It was the mates work van and thankfully it was a shed but the relief it wasn't the old bill was a rush to say the least. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Catcher 1 639 Posted February 21, 2011 Author Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 Me and the mate were going boarding but on the way we bumped into a guy we knew out lamping with his lurcher. Within seconds the 3 of us and a dog were going boardin. The place we were going was stocked to the max with trout. Half an hour in and a good couple of dozen trout to the good we heard this noise which sounded like a siren. Anyone who has poached and thinks they have been rumbled will know how we were feeling. You don't think straight and common sense tells you they wouldn't use sirens but the mind plays tricks. Anyhow, the siren was getting louder and we panicked, started throwing trout back in the water lol, pulling the boards in fast in blind panic they snagged on a post in the water. Mates giving it cut the line... I'm thinking f**k that so I hid the line under a rock all the while the wail of the siren is ringing in our ears.... We started legging it back to the van, wailing getting louder.... Hearts pounding in our ears.... Then realisation sunk in.... It was the f*****g dog that was howling!!! He'd ripped the roof cloth off the front of the van and tore up the f*****g seats!!! It was the mates work van and thankfully it was a shed but the relief it wasn't the old bill was a rush to say the least. :laugh: Am sure the dog got a nice big bone for the trip home. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
baw 4,360 Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 Lol mate, to be fair the van was hinging but the dogs owner did get a power for years after it. We left the f*****g boards and the trout cos we were scared someone had heard the dog. It wasn't a good night to say the least but one you'll never forget. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
terrierone 32 Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 ok wasnt lamping, but i was told these are tame,, ferreting in their field otherday,, they wernt happy, chased 3 of us 200 yds, bloke whom owns them said STAND STILL NEXT TIME LOL 2 TON COMING TOWARDS ME NEE FRIGGIN CHANCE,, Quote Link to post Share on other sites
mushroom 13,325 Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 I was having a wander with the air rifle one night looking for a few pheasants (more like 3 in the morning) when this screaming starts and sounds like its moving fast and getting closer, this was a couple of nights after watching the film Razorback and it shit me right up. Since realised it was foxes either shagging or fighting but at the time I was off like feck even if i'd had a shotty instead of the slug gun i would still have scarpered. Mushroom didn't you have to change your undies after that fox had barked at you??? Nah that wa dogfox who soiled himself :laugh: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jack pyke 4 Posted February 21, 2011 Report Share Posted February 21, 2011 me and deerstalker of here went lamping one night wild wet n windy got to the entrance of the field where their was 6 deer standing in the corner i ran down the hedge to the bottom of the field and stood beside the 5 bar gate deerstalker slipped the dogs deer came racing doon the field like a steam train i was standing against the gate put me hands over me head all 6 deer jumped clean over the top of me i nearly shit myself f*****g scary another day i was out mooching with the dogs walking some rough ground and i stood full on a live rabbitt shit myself funny feeling atb jp Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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