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Pet and Worker?

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Natter - brilliant post mate. Thank you.


Colli/Grey - I see what your getting at about trying to not get as attatched as you were with your pup that died. I will deffinitely gutted if I ever loose my pup. I think it would be impossible to not bond with your working dog regardless of living in or out though.



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Wheather your dog is kept indoors or outside the most important aspect is to bond with the dog. Socialization is paramount.   If you keep the dog kenneled or inside the house for long periods of ti

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My dogs are pets and workers. They live to work and have never lacked prey drive or committment. The only problem I have is from walking with others who have pet dogs. On the whole, people don't tend to expect the same discipline from pets. If you walk with a few friends the friends tend to chat while the dogs hoon about. The dogs have a great time and it's lovely and sociable, but the dogs get used to hunting up and belting about without supervision. I've been embarrassed recently by one of my dogs doing exactly the same on a ferreting trip - it took me a while to get him back under manners and it really showed how sloppy I'd been with him. Once he settled it was back to business as usual but I felt I'd let him down - he's a good, well disciplined dog and I'd let things slip during the summer.

I don't know the solution - I like walking with my friends so don't want to give it up, but I don't want my dogs developing bad habits either. If you're not going to be walking with mates who don't work their dogs, however, like the others have said, I don't think you'll have a problem.


Same could be said the other way. My pet lurchers sometimes get walked with lurchers who work, and now one of them thinks its fine to go hunting up whenever. Even ended up stuck on a barbed wire fence recently (no serious damage done thank god) Do I stop walking with them? I don't know the solution either.

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Mine are both, i think it makes no difference at all except i think you have a closer bond with a dog kept in the house and i think it would be harder to come to terms with losing that dog out working, currently mine live outside and only just recently so is my 8 1/2 week old pup, i find it easier with them being outside although if i had my own home i would probably have them inside, i never knew what it was like to lose a dog before until last year when i lost my 10 month old pup, now that dog lived in the house with me from 8 weeks old, went anywhere and everywhere with me and generally was my best mate and i loved him to bits i really did, then he was taken away from me during a major fit he had right in front of my eyes and it almost killed me, i know call me a soft touch if you like but i have learnt from that experience and i am trying to keep a more low key approach to the new pup, he is outside and he gets fuss and attention when i take him out of the kennel for training, playing and feeding and that's it, i still love my dogs, i just don't want to get 'over attached' again if you like. Oh and i walk my dogs alot in public dog walking areas and meet pet dogs everyday and walk with some of them and i have no problems. :thumbs:


you cant help but get attached to dogs but some dogs get to you more than others if you know what i mean i lost my dog recently n he was everything to me n no dog will ever be able to take his place in my heart but still will treat all my dogs the same and i know what you mean about them becoming your best mate c/g fury was the bestest mate you could ask for

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Mine are both, i think it makes no difference at all except i think you have a closer bond with a dog kept in the house and i think it would be harder to come to terms with losing that dog out working, currently mine live outside and only just recently so is my 8 1/2 week old pup, i find it easier with them being outside although if i had my own home i would probably have them inside, i never knew what it was like to lose a dog before until last year when i lost my 10 month old pup, now that dog lived in the house with me from 8 weeks old, went anywhere and everywhere with me and generally was my best mate and i loved him to bits i really did, then he was taken away from me during a major fit he had right in front of my eyes and it almost killed me, i know call me a soft touch if you like but i have learnt from that experience and i am trying to keep a more low key approach to the new pup, he is outside and he gets fuss and attention when i take him out of the kennel for training, playing and feeding and that's it, i still love my dogs, i just don't want to get 'over attached' again if you like. Oh and i walk my dogs alot in public dog walking areas and meet pet dogs everyday and walk with some of them and i have no problems. :thumbs:


you cant help but get attached to dogs but some dogs get to you more than others if you know what i mean i lost my dog recently n he was everything to me n no dog will ever be able to take his place in my heart but still will treat all my dogs the same and i know what you mean about them becoming your best mate c/g fury was the bestest mate you could ask for


I know what you mean raff, i mean i will be gutted if anything happened to any of the dogs i own right now i really would, it would break my heart again but the pup i lost was something else and if i bring up the the new one like him and it ends up in tears i will be shattered :( I still have a really good bond with my dogs though, i mean my bull x bitch pup will do anything i ask quite literally :laugh: she climbed up a big branch the other day just because i asked her to and she will swim out in the lake because i ask her to, she doesn't enjoy it she just loves to please, don't get me wrong losing any dog/person whatever will never be easy but not spending my every waking hour with my dogs and revolving my dogs around every activity will sort of make my life easier to live with and carry on if anything did happen to them. But that's just my opinion.

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Natter - brilliant post mate. Thank you.


Colli/Grey - I see what your getting at about trying to not get as attatched as you were with your pup that died. I will deffinitely gutted if I ever loose my pup. I think it would be impossible to not bond with your working dog regardless of living in or out though.




Of course me and the pup will be bond as all my dogs have, it will just be a different type of bond. :thumbs:

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