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result !!!!!!!

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well i,m long way of your result but just started that pup of cob tonite ,first time on the lamp,he seen 5 get killed and she was watching the lamp,me 9yr old boy is arm dropping off he wanted 2 go he drag him of his feet twice ,but i think let him watch a bit,anyway over the moon for ya gss........atb.....dh.... :thumbs:

i recon pal that if your pup is anything like its father from what i saw then u wont have a prob :thumbs:

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just had to put post up .was out last night with dog and gun.dog just back from injury.first field 1 rabbit sitting in the middle o the field .slipped her and away she went couple o turns one tumble and got back on it then struck first chase and she got it nae limping either .so we carried on to next bit dog started hunting out abit in front so i knew smthing was about.she dissapeard into woods and was out of site.scanning with the lamp i notised her hunting out a bramble patch .next thing a ginger shot out 1 side and came through the fence .they were running up the fence ginger on 1 side dog on other right up to me i tryed to turn it through the gate .dog struck.smashed into the gate ginger swerved round the post and headed up the hill .still on my side of the fence dog still on her side of it abt 2ft apart.dissapeard over hill and out of site .wated a minute and went to look met the dug cmming back.basxxxd missed agian. out tnite and lamped same way seen nout and was about 50 yrds away fron where it happend the night before.no even lamping when dog shot past me i put lamp on and fcuk me ginger was legging it to the fense.dog right up its arse.ginger bounced aff the fence and fcuk me did she no score.i was that chuffed you wouldny believe it.single handed thats the first time .she met them before but no like that always gave her a hand .2 years taking it easy making sure she no get put off and it all came together tonight. and before the abuse starts let me tell you a DONT CARE my dug .did [bANNED TEXT] it says on the tin .know its got a long way to go but its a start and every bodys got to start smwhere.. .sofor those that are interested have a read for those that dont agree TUFF my dug ma rules.

ma dug ma rules. :notworthy: spot on mate.and well done the dug :boogie::thumbs:
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just had to put post up .was out last night with dog and gun.dog just back from injury.first field 1 rabbit sitting in the middle o the field .slipped her and away she went couple o turns one tumble and got back on it then struck first chase and she got it nae limping either .so we carried on to next bit dog started hunting out abit in front so i knew smthing was about.she dissapeard into woods and was out of site.scanning with the lamp i notised her hunting out a bramble patch .next thing a ginger shot out 1 side and came through the fence .they were running up the fence ginger on 1 side dog on other right up to me i tryed to turn it through the gate .dog struck.smashed into the gate ginger swerved round the post and headed up the hill .still on my side of the fence dog still on her side of it abt 2ft apart.dissapeard over hill and out of site .wated a minute and went to look met the dug cmming back.basxxxd missed agian. out tnite and lamped same way seen nout and was about 50 yrds away fron where it happend the night before.no even lamping when dog shot past me i put lamp on and fcuk me ginger was legging it to the fense.dog right up its arse.ginger bounced aff the fence and fcuk me did she no score.i was that chuffed you wouldny believe it.single handed thats the first time .she met them before but no like that always gave her a hand .2 years taking it easy making sure she no get put off and it all came together tonight. and before the abuse starts let me tell you a DONT CARE my dug .did [bANNED TEXT] it says on the tin .know its got a long way to go but its a start and every bodys got to start smwhere.. .sofor those that are interested have a read for those that dont agree TUFF my dug ma rules.

ma dug ma rules. :notworthy: spot on mate.and well done the dug :boogie::thumbs:

fekin right pal.prob wilny post any more like that.you ken dont want tae gie tha antis any ammo.but being her first solo .just had to.another close shave last night and another rabbit.fcuk me thers only about 6 round hear lol if she keeps going like this there will be nane left lol :boogie:

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