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First rabbit with my Ultra!

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Had a call from a customer earlier this week for a cluster fly problem that he's got. He's also the land owner at some permission I have, so I thought I'd not look a gift horse in the mouth - and told him I'd be there first thing this morning.


Got there just after first light- had a quick mooch, but it was still to dark to see clearly further than 20 yards in front, so I got back into my van and put the radio on for a bit.


Next walk round, spotted a rabbit across the paddock. It presented a fairly clear shot, and I was able to steady myself on a gate, before squeezing the shot off, and sending the .177 FX on it's way. It wasn't all plain sailing though - just as I took the shot, the bunny inched forward - the 'thud' sound was unmistakable, and left me feeling very sad. The rabbit lurched forward into some brambles- if I'm honest I didn't think I'd ever see it again, but I had a look and to my surprise found the bunny lying stone dead just inside the bush. On inspection the pellet had passed straight through the heart/lungs and stopped against the front leg on the side furthest away. As it turned out, a nice clean shot- but it wasn't what I intended! I paced it out at 41 yards.


It was the first rabbit I've shot with the Ultra that I bought in the summer. I've been preferring it to my R10 of late- I had an HW silencer screwed onto the end of the R10 which just makes it far too long, so I've fitted that to the Ultra instead - but for me the R10 is just too loud- so it's going to find itself left at home quite a lot until I can spare the money to take it to A&M for the Adrian Waugh treatment!


Anyway, here's a quick pic, taken with my phone.



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Nice going Ron buddy,


A nice true and straight to the point post.


5*****'s mate from me.


Yes i defo recommend send the r10 to Addie mate, he will be able to shorten that shroud easy enough.


Maybe you will even get your Ultra Tench regged within the future.


60 full power shots in .177 from the Ultra mate.


Look at this months AirGun Shooter mag as tench is in there.



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Nice going Ron buddy,


A nice true and straight to the point post.


5*****'s mate from me.


Yes i defo recommend send the r10 to Addie mate, he will be able to shorten that shroud easy enough.


Maybe you will even get your Ultra Tench regged within the future.


60 full power shots in .177 from the Ultra mate.


Look at this months AirGun Shooter mag as tench is in there.




Thanks all.


Si, the R10 is my priority at the moment, but a Tench reg for the Ultra is in the pipeline, definitely. Just a question of funds! At this rate the R10 will be sitting in it's case until 2015 before I can scrape together the money. :thumbdown:

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