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think its time to knock a few doors

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the rabbit population as droped rapidly this season my opipon id**os going out and killing them for the sake of killing them and just leaving them i went out lamping on some permission that was good last season saw someone eles lamping obvilsoly without permission and 3 rabbits!!!! called it a night and went home so it looks like more door knocking for some better permission

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Aye, it's f****d here. . . . . . possibly RHD? However i also think that ferreting wise it's still crappy as the cover is still right up and the temp is higher than it should be so they just aint going to ground or at least not for any significant time.

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They started breeding later this year due to the harsh winter, normally pack in end of February due to nests of young ones, went well into March and never saw any. Certainly not bred well this year in summer there was not many young ones about.

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