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first time on the lamp

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hi folks, decided to take my wee bitch out with the lamp last night for an hour, I have had her out ferreting with me for the last 2 mths and she has done well, scanned the 1st field and there was about 10 rabbits, but all were close to the hedge, got into the 2nd field and there were 6 rabbits, 2 of which were out a good bit from the hedge. I made my way nearer the rabbits, keeping close to the hedge with the wind in front of me, turned on the lamp and 1 was gone but the other was squatting, made my way over towards it and when i got to within 10ft it lifted and ran, molly had seen it and was of in a flash, she got it in her strike range and when she was about to strike, the rabbit turned and she went arse over head,tumbling in the wet muddy grass(i could hear her jaws snapping together), when she got back up the rabbit had made good it's escape. We then made our way out onto the road and walked the 1/2 mile down to another field that i had seen a few rabbits in the night before. Scanning the field i could see that there was 8 rabbits, 1 fox and a badger. All of the rabbits were out from the hedge this time, so i singled 1 out and made my way across the field, got to within 15ft of the rabbit, and it was of, slipped molly and she was on the rabbits tail heading towards the hedge, when they were about 6ft out from the hedge the rabbit turned back out into the field again, this time molly had turned also and was keeping up, again the rabbit turned and made it's way back and same as before, molly turned it from the hedge back out into the field again, it was kneck and kneck all the way back toward the hedge where the rabbit dived for cover (i think if molly kept going into the hedge she would have got the rabbit) but she will learn this in time. With the wind dropping and the moon coming up i decided to call it a night, although molly never got her 1st rabbit last night, i don't think it will be to long before she does and when the lamp was turned of after her 2 runs she came straight back, which i was pleased with as i have had her out with the ferrets and was thinking she might hunt up after the chase, we both enjoyed the hour we had out,cheers......john:thumbs:

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Christ! I was right there edging her on then, lol.


Must admit, you got a good way with painting the picture in words.


Keep it up Molly!

You sound like a great little dog!


jf1970: You seem to have a good one there Butt!

Keep looking after her!





cheers ken, glad you enjoyed.

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John, she did very well indeed.... :thumbs:

It wont be long for sure before she connects... maybe tonight? ;)

I would not worry about her not diving into the hedge after it, she will soon cop on... :yes:




yeah maybe tonight, weather is def a bit better than last night, see you later martin, cheers......john:thumbs:

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Nice work! Sounds like she did well, nice looking by your avatar as well :thumbs: I'm with Beddylurcher and gonna see if I can get a babysitter for a hour or 2 and take mine out for the first time.



best of luck with the dog and finding a babysitter:thumbs:

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