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Been to vets this morning to get the pups first jabs.


It was £40 for the "check-up" and the jabs, including the jabs at 10 weeks. And I got a 1 dose of a worm and flea treatment called advocate. It's a Spot-On treatment.


Has anyone used this Advocate before? It supposedly treats lungworms, heartworms, tapeworms, fleas, mites etc. And is basically an all in one.


1) It says use monthly, is this EVERY month for the dogs life? Sounds a little extreme?


2) Is the worming side of this treatment good enough for working dogs and dogs that eat raw?


If it's not gonna be adequate then I would rather use Drontal 3 monthly. But I like the idea of it giving the lungworms, mite and flea treatment aswell.





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That was gonna be my suggestion mate. Use drontal in between. Sounds like a good plan.


Can you get Drontal plus off internet or over counter anywhere?


I will probably use the drontal monthly till he's 6 months old with advocate at the 3 and 6 month stage . Then do alternate advocate and drontal every 3 months. What you reckon?

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i have used advocate on my lurcher sice he was a pup and he has never had any thing mate. he gets a free tape wormer with evey six months of advocate bought. i have never had any kind of problem with infestations and my dog eats rabbit after its been frozen for at least three weeks.it is quite expensive but i think my dog is worth it. :thumbs:

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I don't agree with giving any dog a dose of powerful chemicals on a regular basis. :no: Years ago you only used to treat your dogs as and when they needed treating, then along came frontline and their three monthly course of expensive stuff....


It's the same with yearly boosters, total waste of money all geared towards making the vets & manufacturers wealthy.


You don't treat your kids for headlice when they haven't got an infestation, so why should dogs be any different?

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Would only bother to use Advocate if the dog had a mite infestation,

for adult dogs i use drontal plus about twice a year, thats only if i think they need doing.


For pups it would be panacur everytime, till there over 8 months, then switch to drontal,

panacure does lung worm aswell.


Have a read of someone else experance of Advocate



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Thanks for replys.


There seem to be really mixed reviews on the advocate. Some love it and some hate it.


I suppose its the same with everything, someone has had a bad experience with all of them.


What do most people use? It's looking like drontal 3 or 6 monthly.



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After a bit more research I have decided to altenate 3 monthly, Advocate and Drontal Plus.


Advocate does the Lungworm which Drontal misses and Drontal does the Tapeworm which advocate misses. And the flea/tick treatment from advocate is a bonus.


Obviously while a pup I'm worming much more regularly. Currently using a syrup which breeder was using. Will switch to drontal/advocate at 12 weeks.



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i use it how i use it and it is best case of prevention mange is not summat you want in your kennel when it has taken hold so thats the reason i use it and my dog lives in clean condition i wouldn't put my kid in the same so dont compare how u treat a dog with a kid

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Would only bother to use Advocate if the dog had a mite infestation,

for adult dogs i use drontal plus about twice a year, thats only if i think they need doing.


For pups it would be panacur everytime, till there over 8 months, then switch to drontal,

panacure does lung worm aswell.


Have a read of someone else experance of Advocate



If you click on this post southcott has had a bad experience with the Advocate.

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