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Irish Coursing Club, Dundalk & Dowdalls Hill

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The annual 2 day cousing event this year will be held at above venue on Sunday and Monday 26th and 27th December 10. A great day out after all the Christmas festivities.


Thanks Apple Blossom & Neil - anyone know where I would find out is there any coursing out west? Are the Cavan Tyrone lads having anything on boxing day?

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Irish Coursing Fixtures




Anyone know where East Donegal and Dungannon/Co. Cavan run their fixtures?

Lifford for the east donegal. No idea about dungannon i thought they had folded after the ban on hare coursing


cheers Skinny - Dungannon joined with Co. Cavan with that numpty ban

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Irish Coursing Fixtures




Anyone know where East Donegal and Dungannon/Co. Cavan run their fixtures?

Lifford for the east donegal. No idea about dungannon i thought they had folded after the ban on hare coursing


cheers Skinny - Dungannon joined with Co. Cavan with that numpty ban


all them same there is no coursing in Dungannon despite independent scientific findings that the parctice of netting and coursing hares then releasing them actually benefited the hare population and conservation of its habitat. Who knows what the future will bring if the english and welsh lads can repeal their ban it might set a precendent for what happens this side of the irish sea.

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