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gun cabinet

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As far as I am aware mate, you can get 1 made, it will be up to your FEO to pass it or not. If your uncle is a welder he will still have to buy the metal and get it cut out and folded, so considering how much that would cost just to have your FEO turn it down, is it worth wasting that money and have to spend £100 later.

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You certainly can! My mate owns a wrought Iron business and has made his own ten gun cabinet. The cabinet is a thousand times better than the commercial ones we use and it cost him £70 to build. Make sure you follow the design features of the commercial cabinets, for example anti-jemmy hinges, ask him to have the cabinet folded in to shape to reduce the seam welds and use good locks. That said, I think if you had to pay some one the full whack to make a cabinet or if you were unsure of the design then buying a second hand cabinet would be a quicker and better option.



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