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My 1st Boar

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For quite a few years now I have dreamed of shooting a boar , seeing as I had already secured the 6 species of deer on our shores along with wild goats.So when I saw the advert on another site for boar in SW Scotland I immediately PMd SolwayStalker and booked a trip.


It was about 4 weeks away and I counted down every day in anticipation.Eventually Saturday arrived and I set off on the journey to SW Scotland. On arrival I was greeted by Colin and made to feel welcome. He took me to a field to show me the damage that the boar had created ....




He then showed me to the feeding site which would be our destination that evening.He confirmed that pigs were feeding here and was confident that we may get a shot





5.30PM and we settled in the tower overlooking the feeding site. Colin told me that we must be silent and make no noise at all as the pigs are very wary and easily spooked. I sat with his .308 and just prayed that they would appear.


As night fell no sign of the pigs. We waited in darkness and the first arrival at the site was a fox which I watched for a while through the Zeiss scope on Colins rifle.


8pm and still no sign. Colin was attaching the night vision to the scope , he peered through the scope and whispered "theres a pig !! "


Very silently he passed the rifle to me and I looked through the scope to see a boar facing in my direction.As I waited for a broadside shot another boar appeared and this one presented itself perfectly broadside so without hesitation I released a round. The .308 barked loudly into the silence of the still night. "Did you get it " Colin asked.

" I dont know but the shot felt good " I said


We descended the tower and cautiously approached the site with a torch . I was ecstatic to find my boar lying stone dead.






I was elated that I had suceeded in my quest for a boar at the 1st attempt.


Not a big animal but nevertheless it was my 1st boar and one I will never forget.





I cant thank Colin enough for giving me this opportunity. He is a very welcoming and friendly chap and I wouldnt hesitate recommending him to anyone who wishes to try for a boar.


He will only take you out if he is confident that the boar are feeding at the sites and you have a chance of a shot .


He even took me roe stalking in the morning and showed me some lovely countryside overlooking the Solway , I also grassed a couple of roe.


Thanks again Colin I will be back of that you can be sure... .

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