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Total disgusting and inhumane demo of how "NOT TO DO IT".


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well in my eyes they should of been head shots and if no head shot was available he should of done what i do leave it be or wait for clear shots   was nice seeing so many rats tho

How many shots to kill a rat Inhumane b*****d Who in their right mind would use 30ft/lbs for rats The chances of a Ricochet penetrating the shooters cloathes and skin are high enough with a 1

I agree handy for rabbits 30 ft/lbs mate but on a rat at 10m to 15 metres and through the arse end, Im not to sure Chimp mate?


Just my opinion though, and opinions are like arse holes "everyone has one" :laugh:






i agree , what i was getting at was 30ft lb is all well and good with a good heavy pellet to stop them , arse shooting with accupells is just a waste of time , and whats the point of arse shots? ok they will die but not for a while

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I agree handy for rabbits 30 ft/lbs mate but on a rat at 10m to 15 metres and through the arse end, Im not to sure Chimp mate?


Just my opinion though, and opinions are like arse holes "everyone has one" :laugh:





And you must have a big one :D .

Have you been an expert from the word go?



If you,have no clear shot at a kill zone.Its simple dont take the shot.Sorry but the ass in not one:laugh:

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maybe this guy likes pokeing things in the ass. :thumbdown:


might be able to help him out, :o


like take his gun off him and ram it lube free up his ass sideways. :diablo:



what a tit. if you can shoot like he did with the rabbits, then why the f not do it with the rats,


proffesional my arse, i no lets watch these desiese ridden rats run all over the farm bleeding,spreding there germes around the very place some body is paying me to get rid of them.


sorry but this guy is a T#AT


enough said



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Yep i see what you mean Chimp and Andy :thumbs:


The guy could defo shoot Catcher as Andy says, just a shame he didnt shoot the dirty little buggers in the brain humanely.


If he did with his kit and skill like he showed on the bunnies he would be a great bloke to watch more in my fair opinion.



Edited by zini
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hi ya lads

sorry i have only just seen this and my words

SHOCKED ,THAT WAS HORRIBLE the bloke needs to be band for life from using guns sorry if anyone objects but even rats need to be shot in the head not left in pain and scrapping it's legs across the ground like that


i couldnt watch it to be honest shot placement and able to shoot would help to. THE BLOKE HAD ALL THE GEAR AND NO IDEA





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How many shots to kill a rat :blink:

Inhumane b*****d :wallbash:

Who in their right mind would use 30ft/lbs for rats :wallbash:

The chances of a Ricochet penetrating the shooters cloathes and skin are high enough with a 10-12 but 30?

What a total F :censored: K WIT, if he's a pro (Prof Fecking Idiot maybee) as has been claimed, then he would surely know the risk he is taking with both his own health and that of the person with him.


Not only that but even at long range a 30ft/lbs job is only going to overpenetrate and deposit such little kinetic energy into the animal that its gonna make it easy for the animal to run away and die slowly.

That is why I suggest to people that power is not of paramount importance to a rifle's ability to drop quarry :no:

Its all about shot placement and delivery of enough kinetic energy to the life system of the quarry to shut it down :yes: Far more sensible to use a less powerful rifle that will deliver much more kinetic energy into the animal.

Its this transfere of energy that shuts down the central nervous system of the quarry. Killing the brain does just that as well, it shuts the life (central nervous system) down.

Letting an animal bleed to death like he was deserves no respect or admiration from anyone.


I will freely admit, perfect head shots are not always feasable with such fast moving and potentially life threatening vermin as rats.

You've all seen the kinds of shots I have taken on rats and if I can't get a head shot with them, then its a damn good bet that I will get a heart/lung shot or even anywhere in the first third of the body as the transfere of energy will shut the system down quickly ensuring as little as possible suffering.

Failing any of these then it'll be there for another round at another time.


Just my opinion and a little educational fact regarding how to kill your quarry as quickly as possible.



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Look at it this way Renzak mate, you shot your rabbit perfectly properly from a self-disciplined set of sporting principles we all abide and adhere to. You won't ever lower yourself from the high standard you've set yourself and niether would any decent fellow here. :no: Looking at this vid again, I'm inclined to agree that the rabbits were shot clean and fair but the rats were deemed not worthy of such consideration. This guy can shoot ok. He's just a sadistic little swine who deliberately shot these rodents this way to watch them suffer and get a power trip off the back of his gun. His back-up shots are not exactly swift in coming, are they! :no:


Hay thanks four the words dude and im happy to see that everybody else thinks what he was doing is just sick and four a power trip (ehh I CAN KILL THINGS MAKE THEM BLEED EHH)

And he proved with the rabbits he can shoot properly he just doing the rats that way 4 fun :thumbdown:

Now i can see why some people dont like us hunters

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The lad has some very nice gear :thumbs:


Yep Stealthly he defo had some gucci equipment.


Stuff that id like to try out :thumbs:


Must of been some moneys worth there.


Maybe Santa and the ex wife will be good to me and buy me something nice like that for Christmas :hmm:


Then again probably NOT :doh::laugh:





I'm asking Santa too mate, but I wont be holding my breath :D

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Oh ok thanks Hall bud.


YouTube removed 2 of mine so far due to tree huggers winging and saying bunny shooting is cruel.


Mine were all humane shots as well.


Ive got a fan called "The Dark Angel", on YouTube, she or he just loves me (NOT) LOL.


Pain in the butt but what can you do apart from blocking them?


(Edited) I see now that the clip poster has removed his own clip.



Edited by zini
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@Renzac. You are welcome fella ;) . Always remember. If you've shot humanely, with fullest considerations for killing without inflicting suffering at all times, you can end your hunting day with a clear conscience that you shot as professionally well as the very best do. Nish to whatever anyone else says or does. The vid' been "removed by the user" So, he's probably got the message.





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