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grey ferret

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

That's got to be the damndest thing I've ever seen! :icon_eek:


'Sadly' though, I think you lads have spotted it; His blackened fingers .....


I imagine what's going on there is that he's simply Died the bloody thing. Just for an experiment and the craic? I mean; He could hardly do anything with it. And, if he was serious about the illusion, he'd have washed his hands more thoroughly or got someone else to hold it. So I guess it's just an innocent shot.


Notice the black spotting around it's back feet though? I thought they were its claws at first. Can't access the picture as I write this, so really couldn't say more. Except that I seem to remember it had black spots where it shouldn't be having claws. Wonder what that's all about?


Good conversation piece though. Wonder if we'll ever hear the truth behind it?

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