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wcs tube trap

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I would try a couple before you buy loads, to see if they work for you. They are good in the right circumstances, but then so are some of the other approved traps which might be more versatile, and more easily adapted to other trapping situations (Fenn, BMI Magnum).


The WCS Tube Trap was sold for many years in the USA as the 'Mytling Tunnel Trap' and earned its reputation as a useful trap there, which is why it was adapted for use here in the UK.


I used one in a run between old straw bales for years and it did well in that type of site, I also lowered one in a loop of string below a bridge into good run in a small stream and it did well in its self contained tunnel.



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I've a couple . They were a bit of a finacial investment but they've paid for themselves .As yet I've only used them baited with old Quality Street chocolates (Turkish Delight -the ones nobody wants !) for squills and I like them.Little pre drilled holes in the ends of the tubepost-13773-075399000 1287962206_thumb.jpg mean it is easy to restrict the entrance with a bit of fencing wire or a skewer so that squills can squeeze past but hedgpigs can't and the tube can easily be incorporated into a more naturalistic tunnel.

Edited by comanche
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