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saluki/greyhound pups well bred

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well said merle 24, you dont need a designer label (bloodlines) to make your dog be any better, a friend of mine bought a dog down devizes way, an old rough coated dog, most of you on the site will no the dog, probably one of the best dogs ive seen run in my life and the dogs name MULLER and he had no famous bloodlines. the dogs either got it or they haven`t. Ive had NIPPER breeding dogs and they turned out crap.

it just goes to show names arnt everthing. cheers.

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how can they be well bred if you dont know the blodlines how exactly are they mate might be interested


They guy has just stated that they are from stock his mate has line bred for 20years, so whats your problem.


Everybody wants names,, lines etc,, well if truth be know its the same old names and lines getting thrown in all the time. There only know because they were matched or because they mixed in the wright circles,, they get talked about seen ran then all a sudden there a top line, bullshit. Theres blokes who keep there self to thereself and line breed there stock, using outcross now and then when they have to,, they maynot be in the circles, they may not match there dogs, they may not boast or brag or try to make a name for themselfs, they do what they and keep it to themselfs and close mates,, doesnt mean there dogs are shit or not good blood,, infact this is the type of blood you want,, youre lucky if you find it available to the next man though,, now and then you will as needs must.


Far too much emphasis on names and lines imo,, in a walks of life not just running dogs. Fire away.


Very nice looking pups mate,, all the best with the sale.:thumbs: .

Im quite interested in bloodlines but i agree with what you say,if the dog knows his job n trys his best for ya thats all that matters who cares how he's bred. :thumbs:
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