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The dogs seven, not eleven... Run the bollocks out of it for the next three seasons, give it all it can take and make a decision to breed from it then, also by then you'd have sussed out the right bitch, half, 3/4 or 5/8, you'll know what you need in a dog, it's then an 'informed' decision! :thumbs:

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i would use a proven bitch of around 26tts and of which is a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull and is a racey build but solid with it. i know maybe a bit much looking for a bitch of that calibra but you could also turn to a 3/4 greyhound with a 1/4 collie in in mate but around about the same size and is a proven fox dog ( its got to be catching week in and week out though).


but thats my opinion mate as i am in the same situation as you apart from my dog is worked hard.


all the best mate



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The dogs seven, not eleven... Run the bollocks out of it for the next three seasons, give it all it can take and make a decision to breed from it then, also by then you'd have sussed out the right bitch, half, 3/4 or 5/8, you'll know what you need in a dog, it's then an 'informed' decision! :thumbs:


i wuld go with that. this way you get more use of the dog you have. and a pup from your own dog thats (done a bit) will be worth more to you than a pup out of a dog that hasnt done a lot. :thumbs:

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