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pellets jammed

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last night i took my mate lamping

and gave him ago on my logun s16

we drove 30 miles to my land...and he puts 2 pellets in the barrel


i thought i would just take the magazine out and push them bake down with a bit of wooden dowl


but i cant get the magazine out


anyone ever had one before and done the same ????


atb 8shot

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last night i took my mate lamping

and gave him ago on my logun s16

we drove 30 miles to my land...and he puts 2 pellets in the barrel


i thought i would just take the magazine out and push them bake down with a bit of wooden dowl


but i cant get the magazine out


anyone ever had one before and done the same ????


atb 8shot


Hi 8 shot...I dont give anyone a shot of mine unless i load it.lol

The 1st few weeks i did nuthin but jam mine. Once you've stripped it a few times it is a piece of piss.uncock it.

Take scope off ,then scope rail. remove long silver spring (remembering what side goes in what hole). then rmove silencer ,moderator.remove the allen bolt from the fore end where the laser is housed. then gently twist inner barrel and you should find that mag will now drop out.(the mag is stuck because a pellet is half way through that and the barrell) Then remove barrell by twisting and pulling .Once you have barrell out get a pellett remover or barrell cleaner or i used a bit of brass solder wire before i got a cleaner. push out from breech end to muzzle, be casreful you dont damage the breech seal. i have done this a good few times when i 1st got gun and never damaged the seal so dont be too soft with it.

When clear put back together. when putting barrel back in you will need to line up hole where spring goes back into,you can put it in with holes facing up but they might twist round,if so i used a small screwdriver to catch the hole and move it back into position,.

Also i got some Logun sg3 grease so as to lightly coat the o ring s on mag ,this helps with trouble free loading. hope this helps mate. i was a bit para about srtipping my gun as i had never done it before ,but it really isn't that bad.

! thing that did happen to me though was after putting it together after a bad blockage (4 pellets,dont ask :whistling: ) i couldnt get bolt to click home completely.took it apart again to find that a ring of lead had gathered behind the breacch seal,this was remover by shining torch down to see it then getting a very thin flay screwdriver in to remove lead ,once done good as new .Never blocked it again since.

P.S this was done on the bull barrel version,is yours the same.if its not it probably wont be that different.

Good luck ,let me know how you get on :thumbs:


PPs when you have barrell out you should check condition of o ring and renew or grease if req.

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Thanks mate,I´ve done it and now it works again...

Result :thumbs: how did you find it ,ok?

I got to the point where i've got the gun the way i want it,so don't let other folk just have a go incase the block it. i load it for em,seems a bit pedantic but i don't give a puck,

Atb kot

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Thanks mate,I´ve done it and now it works again...

Result :thumbs: how did you find it ,ok?

I got to the point where i've got the gun the way i want it,so don't let other folk just have a go incase the block it. i load it for em,seems a bit pedantic but i don't give a puck,

Atb kot



its all fine now mate

i didnt put the bar in the right hole 3 times then soon as i relised what i was doing

now like urself i could do it with my eyes closed



big thank you to you :thumbs:

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I hade the very same problem with my old s16 when i had her many years ago.


is a bit of a problem glad to see that you have it sorted tho due to a very good replie. sp on the way to you for that.


i got sick of stripping myn and unblocking it in the end that i sold it, (i never did learn to make shure the bolt was full forward and locked in :icon_redface: )


well that and she was a fat little mare, and im not an got sick of dragging her fat ass around.


still good gun though, was only ever blocked due to me being a muppet.


all the best lads


Andy :thumbs:

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