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bushing team

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been a couple of threads about best bushing terriers and best lurcher's but what do you think is the best combination (in general obviously)?


i have barely any experience in using any dog's other than lurcher's but i would have thought a good team would be a fast collie blooded lurcher and a ess.


what do you all think?

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been a couple of threads about best bushing terriers and best lurcher's but what do you think is the best combination (in general obviously)?


i have barely any experience in using any dog's other than lurcher's but i would have thought a good team would be a fast collie blooded lurcher and a ess.


what do you all think?

that would be a good team but realy anything that will face cover and push the game out will do the job have seen some strange hinze 59 that were great wee bushing dogs

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depends on what ur bushing realy' wev got a good team' beagle crosses vandeen crosses but we onley bush charlies realy' thay stick to a line better i think.. but like i say depends what ur after.. n what suits..ATB..B as for lurchers we have whippet x bull x greyhounds that run with the pack' these dogs hunt as good as any ov the bushing hounds' n sometimes find charlie befour thay do' but these lurchers have been brought up with these bushers so thay no there job'' just have a good think' about what u want ur dog to do n what its going to work' then u wont go farr wrong.....

Edited by busher
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I work cover with cocker's and lakelands and flush to whippets and a couple of beddy whippets only big dog we use is a kelpie x obviously not all mine but i only realy use a lakie and a couple of whippets when im out my whippets tend to work cover well and one go's out wide either side of me and the terrier sort of quarters in her own style they know they have more chance of getting whats put up if there out wide like that and you just have to walk over the right bit cover and youl get something if you know your land youl know exactly where youl put something up regardless of whats going through the cover i walk through cover of all sorts sometimes upto my waist but i like to be inabout it and saves the upkeep of a couple of other dogs through lazyness.

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My bushing team below, the lurcher is collie greyhound, the jr terriers are not hard terriers, but perfect for rabbiting, the only problem i have had the little one has gone to ground a few times and ive ended looking all over for her. The best bushing dog i had was a rescued little border collie bitch, ive never known a dog like her...she certainly knew her craft and was a plesure to work. When i was younger i worked the above border collie together with another border collie, a whippet and a jrt. The b.collie bitch and the jrt did the bushing the whippet waited for the bolt and the other border collie would cover the other side of the bush to the whippet, he learned to do this himself...worked out real handy most of the time.



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My collies were very easy to live with, easy than my collie/greyhound (if she dosn't get out she bloody digs the garden up just to let you know she's proper pissed off). The male was very placid and laid back at home, the key just been regular exercise. I used to lamp both of them as well and had some very good sport. I found my bitch was a lot more sharper with other peoples dogs and would put in a warning nip, but the male would go out of his way not to fight other dogs. The only set back is if you have them living in the house they can tend to get quite mucky, unless rubed down with a towel. Beautiful dogs to own, but it is all down to getting one with a good temperament, and exercise.

Edited by wuyang
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I would have thought a cross between a collie and spaniel would be spot on, but if its just for bushing and i would get a pure ess or cocker over the collie cross....saying this i like my bushing dogs to give tongue when on to a rabbit which most spaniels i believe don't, although the upside of a spaniel is it won't go to ground. Some of the cover i work is very tight, it didn't stop my collie bitch so i certainly don't think it would stop a spaniel, but little terriers fly through it rather than crash through it. Some people love the bedlingtons for rabbiting, although some of these look as big as whippets.

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I would have thought a cross between a collie and spaniel would be spot on, but if its just for bushing and i would get a pure ess or cocker over the collie cross....saying this i like my bushing dogs to give tongue when on to a rabbit which most spaniels i believe don't, although the upside of a spaniel is it won't go to ground. Some of the cover i work is very tight, it didn't stop my collie bitch so i certainly don't think it would stop a spaniel, but little terriers fly through it rather than crash through it. Some people love the bedlingtons for rabbiting, although some of these look as big as whippets.

my mates nan had a collie x springer that we took out in its older years but picked it up so quick!!!! i would of loved to of entered it from a pup would of made some dog it was without doubt the cleverest dog ive ever seen :thumbs:

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