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just got a lurcher oh my god

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just got a beautiful saluki/grey/collie he is great any advice for a first time lurcher owner.

take your time with it dont be in a rush to get it running spend plenty yime training it.sit stay retreving.the more time you spend training it and bonding with it the better the dog will be.DONT RUSH.and if you need advice this is the place to get it :thumbs:

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just got a beautiful saluki/grey/collie he is great any advice for a first time lurcher owner.

oh aye forgot to say if at some point your training starts to go tits up{and it prob will} dont get angry with the dog stop training and just go for a walk then start again tomorow.and remember two 15minutes training sessions are better than one half hour session or ten minutes then ALWAYS try to end on a success plenty of praise for success and ignore if it gets it wrong atb ;)

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Heel training is soo important.. a pup will stay/come back anyway due to pack mentality, but as it matures, it will explore further and further.. get the recall and heel training done while it is young and you'll have a much easier life and happier dog.. Also, feed at set times, AFTER youre breakfast, dinner and tea, and make sure it knows you are pack leader.. Also, after eating, take it out for a shite etc so it gets the routine.. easy way to housetrain. don't expect much, and only run it on bunnys when it's mature enough, then wait until next season to try other styff, otherwise you could end up with a frustrated pup on the chase which means it could 'open up' (bark), or get bored and show interest in other stuff (livestock)... training should be done in short bursts, but often, and REWARD any good behaviour with treats (small).. good lock :thumbs:

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