Nik_B 3,790 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 I started cutting my own personal budget about 2 years ago when it became obvious to me that there was going to be a huge resession. The Labour goverment carried on spending borrowed money (so called fiscal stimulation). In my opinion this gave the average person the impression that there was nothing wrong and things were going to get better. So the man in the street carried on as normal in fact benefiting greatly from reduced mortgage payments. In my opinion it was painfully obvious that something nasty was going to happen but it was only this year that anyone seems to have taken notice. We've been living on borrowed time for the last two years. We can't spend what we don't have. Personally I think the best thing is to make the cuts now and get it out of the way asap rather than keep borrowing hoping for another miricle boom. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
J Darcy 5,871 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 I started cutting my own personal budget about 2 years ago when it became obvious to me that there was going to be a huge resession. The Labour goverment carried on spending borrowed money (so called fiscal stimulation). In my opinion this gave the average person the impression that there was nothing wrong and things were going to get better. So the man in the street carried on as normal in fact benefiting greatly from reduced mortgage payments. In my opinion it was painfully obvious that something nasty was going to happen but it was only this year that anyone seems to have taken notice. We've been living on borrowed time for the last two years. We can't spend what we don't have. Personally I think the best thing is to make the cuts now and get it out of the way asap rather than keep borrowing hoping for another miricle boom. Well said that man. After 3 years of labour the country is inthe shit. What will we do? hope for the Fairy Godmother to wave her magic wand and we can all live happily ever after? Cons have only been in a short period of time but they are trying to help at least. What are the alternatives? Head in the sand until the country is bankrupt? Its not going to be easy, but at least they are facing up to making tough decisions, something Labour never did. We voted them in for Change, and thats what we will get. In the short term it may not be for the better, but in the long term it will i reckon. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
ginga john 268 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 I started cutting my own personal budget about 2 years ago when it became obvious to me that there was going to be a huge resession. The Labour goverment carried on spending borrowed money (so called fiscal stimulation). In my opinion this gave the average person the impression that there was nothing wrong and things were going to get better. So the man in the street carried on as normal in fact benefiting greatly from reduced mortgage payments. In my opinion it was painfully obvious that something nasty was going to happen but it was only this year that anyone seems to have taken notice. We've been living on borrowed time for the last two years. We can't spend what we don't have. Personally I think the best thing is to make the cuts now and get it out of the way asap rather than keep borrowing hoping for another miricle boom. Well said that man. After 3 years of labour the country is inthe shit. What will we do? hope for the Fairy Godmother to wave her magic wand and we can all live happily ever after? Cons have only been in a short period of time but they are trying to help at least. What are the alternatives? Head in the sand until the country is bankrupt? Its not going to be easy, but at least they are facing up to making tough decisions, something Labour never did. We voted them in for Change, and thats what we will get. In the short term it may not be for the better, but in the long term it will i reckon. "After 3 years of labour the country is inthe shit. " try thirteen years JD, Mrs T f**k#d the unions good and proper and a lot of people were very sympathetic to the cause, tired of all the cushy jobs and threats of strikes if any possibillity of change was mentioned, no more government money to subsidise industries that produced shit products at ridiculous cost, so off went the majority of our small to medium manufacturing industry along with the privatisation of the cushy railways and steel industries etc, then it all got a bit silly with only the top 20% of the country seeing any progress while the remaining % saw a real reduction in the standard of living so off went the tories and their money grubbing pals and in come Mr B-Liar and his money grubbing queer pals So off we go with the inflation of the public sector under the labour lot, jobs for all even though they are not doing anything that can't be done a lot better with a lot less people The banks were given a free rein and followed the lead of the Americans with ever more mad schemes to invent profits on paper and sell them to the greedy and the stupid So will we now have a day of reckoning ? of course not, the whole bloody country will be a "region" of the Eurostate soon enough and once they allow the Turks in to the trough that will be the whole thing totally buggered and what we do about it ? we moan on the internet of course, gun ownership was reduced for a very good reason, civil freedoms have been reduced to the level of a dictatorship and still we will just moan I personally have decided that to vote at all endorses a morally bankrupt system that persecutes me for being born here, i will not ask for anything from the government and will not give them anything either i will use my own judgement for what is right and wrong and will keep myself to myself I would applaud anyone else who does the same, 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jasper65 6 Posted October 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 Yep I agree JD somthing needed to be done but I still can't see how putting a further near on 500,000 people on the rock n roll is going to improve things? a large majority of these will need retraining at big expense and others are basically too old, the govenments should look at their own expenses and look to what savings they can make! I'm sure they could make alot of savings on their expenses bill? we are the one's being punished yet again through the damage the previouse govenments and banks caused. the sadest thing is we now have no back bone! take a look at france and all hell was let lose because they raised the age of retirement! The govenments in this country throw what they like at us and get away with it without any oposition at all, unions and public demonstrations have been smashed beyond recognition . apart from that there was no mention the expense it costs this country on Imigration? we still have a massive immigrant problem taking resouces with more and more pouring in, I read a while back that in a few years we will need at least another 450,000 extra school places to compensate for the large unflux coming into this country with children or having children, just another drain on resouces! Yet how can we blame the immigrants for taking whats on offer or basically a free lunch? we offered them a Haven with open arms and still do, also read another country will be joining the EU in a few years and guess where most of them will end up coming to live. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
deanflute 550 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 Meltdown Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gonetoearth 5,144 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 the navy have wanted to ditch the ark royal for years its class was a mistake from the outset illustrious was sold engine trouble regularly invincible problem after problem , the harrier has been the work horse for the fleet air arm , RAF for over three decades but is at at the end of its life cycle even the yanks are letting it go , the replacement carriers are already under way the new combined fighter is too the brass are no mugs the have given the sacrificial cow the ark , the frigate's type 42 are too out of date , more Helli's and armored troop carries have been ordered , we don't need 100's of tanks sat in Germany and heavy guns , are armed forces have been operating with out dated landys, coms etc for to long the shake up could be a good thing, as for benefit cuts maybe it will make the jam roles etc think twice , if you want to blame some one the big eared lier with the teeth would be a good place to start then the thick jock that followed him Quote Link to post Share on other sites
poacher3161 1,766 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 It appears acording to some that the north of the countrys going to bear the brunt of these cuts.Nothing new their then :censored: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
twobob 1,497 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 the navy have wanted to ditch the ark royal for years its class was a mistake from the outset illustrious was sold engine trouble regularly invincible problem after problem , the harrier has been the work horse for the fleet air arm , RAF for over three decades but is at at the end of its life cycle even the yanks are letting it go , the replacement carriers are already under way the new combined fighter is too the brass are no mugs the have given the sacrificial cow the ark , the frigate's type 42 are too out of date , more Helli's and armored troop carries have been ordered , we don't need 100's of tanks sat in Germany and heavy guns , are armed forces have been operating with out dated landys, coms etc for to long the shake up could be a good thing, as for benefit cuts maybe it will make the jam roles etc think twice , if you want to blame some one the big eared lier with the teeth would be a good place to start then the thick jock that followed him Who voted for a con/lib dem pact never saw that on the list of partys at the election week before the election they were slaggihg each other off they are only in it for one thing and thats them selfs and what they can get out of it labour / cons a nice cushy job at the EU If they truly want to make cuts and save money pull us out of EU we could tear up the imigration policy thats forced on us by the EU billions saved.Stop foriegn aid to countrys that build rockets for space before feeding its own people billions saved what deficit 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
gonetoearth 5,144 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 the navy have wanted to ditch the ark royal for years its class was a mistake from the outset illustrious was sold engine trouble regularly invincible problem after problem , the harrier has been the work horse for the fleet air arm , RAF for over three decades but is at at the end of its life cycle even the yanks are letting it go , the replacement carriers are already under way the new combined fighter is too the brass are no mugs the have given the sacrificial cow the ark , the frigate's type 42 are too out of date , more Helli's and armored troop carries have been ordered , we don't need 100's of tanks sat in Germany and heavy guns , are armed forces have been operating with out dated landys, coms etc for to long the shake up could be a good thing, as for benefit cuts maybe it will make the jam roles etc think twice , if you want to blame some one the big eared lier with the teeth would be a good place to start then the thick jock that followed him Who voted for a con/lib dem pact never saw that on the list of partys at the election week before the election they were slaggihg each other off they are only in it for one thing and thats them selfs and what they can get out of it labour / cons a nice cushy job at the EU If they truly want to make cuts and save money pull us out of EU we could tear up the imigration policy thats forced on us by the EU billions saved.Stop foriegn aid to countrys that build rockets for space before feeding its own people billions saved what deficit agree totaly am no euro fan get us out asap we joined a common market not a european union Quote Link to post Share on other sites
shepp 2,285 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 It appears acording to some that the north of the countrys going to bear the brunt of these cuts.Nothing new their then :censored: The parts of the country to suffer most will be according to the public sector to private sector ratio of the work force. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
staffs riffraff 1,068 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 we do need to take a leef out of the frenchys book twobob you are totally right why should it be us that suffer when we give countrys money that have a space programme when we dont even have one ourselves .what happened to looking after our own and stopping the freeflowing borders NOW pull out of the EU cut all but disaster aid give the civil servants jobs rounding up these illegals which would be cheaper than letting them stay here draining the system even more then and only then start to make cuts which affect the normal decent hard working british people but we wont do anything about it as weve had our patriotism,togetherness and feedoms swipe from under our feet Quote Link to post Share on other sites
twobob 1,497 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 we do need to take a leef out of the frenchys book twobob you are totally right why should it be us that suffer when we give countrys money that have a space programme when we dont even have one ourselves .what happened to looking after our own and stopping the freeflowing borders NOW pull out of the EU cut all but disaster aid give the civil servants jobs rounding up these illegals which would be cheaper than letting them stay here draining the system even more then and only then start to make cuts which affect the normal decent hard working british people but we wont do anything about it as weve had our patriotism,togetherness and feedoms swipe from under our feet It would be quite funny if we pulled out of eu to see what the french would do with all the illegals waiting to get in the uk Quote Link to post Share on other sites
staffs riffraff 1,068 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 trust me they would run them out of the countryu they dont even listen to eu law remember the gypsies lately they deported Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Malt 379 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 Here's another beauty: 20% cut in police budget & 300,000 less prison spaces.. I thought our prisons were already overcrowded.. I suppose the police budget cuts could mean they get told to stop harassing folk chasing fluffy things with dogs and concentrate on nicking proper criminals.. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WILF 48,020 Posted October 20, 2010 Report Share Posted October 20, 2010 500,000 jobs in the private sector = costs the taxpayer zilch! 500,000 jobs in the public sector = a bloody fortune to the taxpayer We are talking traffic wardens, court clerks, council busy bodys, whitehall pen pushers, black lesbian culture co-ordinators, petty officials who want to tell you how to live your life........sack the f*****g lot of them I say and make them do some real work in a real business that creates some money Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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