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Birds And Lurchers Working Togeather

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The best reference for working a BoP and sight-hound partnership in the english speaking world is Stephen Bodio in New Mexico as he hawks hares with Falcon and Tazi.

Theres a good article in International Falconer Magazine by him with pics of falcon and Tazi's together with hare.

Ive hawked with my Saluki bitch with a imprint Saker falcon and with rabbits with a Goshawk,great hecktic fun!,introduce the pup to hawks whilst still a puppy like you would ferrets but use commonsence and dont take a 8 week old pup up to a big female Red Tail or big Finn female Gos as they may view it as lunch!




I lost my saluki two weeks ago to a freek accident in the kennel as she jumped up and fell over backwards and broke her back,she was 3 and im gutted still,she was fantastic with all my hawks.

I hope to get a new pup in the summer;

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Yep,has a falconary center,the gyrs gone back to Rob in scotland now.The best flight was with a male gyr/lanner and the saluki dog,the dog put a few bends in, then the falcon,it went on for about three or four minuets on a good hare on fenland :clapper:

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