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  On 19/10/2010 at 19:14, weasle said:
  On 19/10/2010 at 18:56, Born Hunter said:
  On 19/10/2010 at 18:47, SEAN3513 said:

The largest land animal in the world is the Kodiak bear. It weighs about 862 kilograms, which is roughly the same as 14 male gymnasts.

Surely thats wrong??? I would have thought an elephant would have pissed all over that???


Land predator perhaps?

Polar bear is the largest land predator.


KODIAC BEAR; Up to 10 ft and 1500 lbs POLAR BEAR;Up to 12 ft and 1600 lbs


Kodiak Bears are the largest subspecies of Brown Bears and are found only on the on Kodiak Island off the Southern coast of Alaska. These Bears grow so much bigger than other Brown Bears and Grizzlies because they are able to feed on washed up whale carcasses as well as an abundance of Pacific Salmon. Brown Bears are some of the most aggressive animals on the planet.


The Polar Bear is the largest Bear on Earth. It is longer but more slender than the Kodiak. The Polar Bear is a social animal but when hungry it will attack and eat just about anything. Polar Bears most commonly attack seals but also will hunt Walrus and have even killed and eaten beluga whales.



Edited by CarraghsGem
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  On 21/10/2010 at 20:32, keepin it real said:
  On 21/10/2010 at 20:29, gonetoearth said:
  On 19/10/2010 at 19:35, keepin it real said:

Dogs cant look up


Dogs cant sleep on their backs terriers do :yes:


Sorry, don't believe you mate. Its a FACT!!!

foook me am safe from the hunting act then all these years ive been keeping cats that look like terriers :icon_eek:

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  On 21/10/2010 at 20:20, keepin it real said:
  On 21/10/2010 at 20:09, weasle said:
  On 21/10/2010 at 20:02, paul n scooby said:

a dolphin is the only mammal along side humans who have sex for pleasure not just to reproduce

Bonobbos a type of chimp,Like riding too.Theres a fruit bat that enjoys oral.


See that fruit bat, do you mean receiving or giving....... :whistling:

think its both?

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NAME: "Expecteria Trouserius" (Trouser Snake)


LOCATION: Throughout the world


DESCRIPTION: Varying from pink to black. Fang-less with a highly venomous spit. Size varies from 3 to 12 inches, depending on its mood and sub-species.


SYMPTOMS: This snake attacks mainly women in the lower frontal abdomen, resulting in an inconspicuous bump. Then a severe swelling occurs followed by excruciating pain after nine months. The attack is not usually fatal. It has been known to attack men in the lower posterior section, resulting in an incurable disease and consequent death.


HABITAT: Usually found in bedrooms, but has been known to appear in the most unusual places.


ANTIDOTE: Various types of vaccine available for women. However, once the venom is injected into the body, only drastic measures will ensure complete recovery. There is no known antidote for men.




TOURNIQUET: Do not apply a tourniquet as the venom is too deep in the body to be affected. :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:


CUTTING THE WOUND: This would be completely unnecessary and ineffective as the initial bleeding will stop after a few weeks anyhow.


SUCKING THE WOUND: This method is the most popular with the victim, but so far has not been reportedly successful.

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