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new pup dead.

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The breeder was obviously a shitbag keeping unvaccinated pups til that age, if he couldn't sell them by 10wks they should've been jabbed. You've learnt a hard lesson mate & if I had a pup here I'd gladly give you it for free. I'm sure someone can help you out, there's plenty folk breeding who can't find homes for all their pups.


Dogsbollocks58, the lad has just lost his pup & if you're trying to sell him one you're a f*****g arsehole. If you're offering to gift him one I apologise :thumbs:

yes it was free keep your fu~king nose out


you sound like that pantsdropper fella lol

Well having seen a terrier go down with Leptro. way back in the 60's its not something that you can easily mistake :thumbs: the dogs eyes,gums and skin were bright yellow as in jaundice :notworthy: has as been said it sounds a lot more like parvo IMHO

Y.I.S Leeview

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Lepto can cause internal bleeding just like Parvo. There are other diseases that can also produce similar symptoms. Conclusive proof would be with an autopsy.   I wouldn't get a pup for at least 12

FFS , brought a pup , had something called Lepto . Jesus , dont you know anything ??? At 14 weeks it should be innoculated . Its plain Irresponsibility , between you and the seller . YOU should have

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the same thing happend to me about 5 year ago with a salukixbullgreyhound, it was horrible, the vet said 'theres nothing we can do, your dog is dying, everything was failing, its kindneys its heart EVERYTHING!' i couldn't believe it, we took the pup '7months old' home and gave it a chance, i had it on my bed and it started fitting, by 5 the next morning it had died! i never got another dog for 2 year! ..mine was caused by stinking scruffy rats underneath nextdoors shed, he was leaving bits of food in the bowl sometimes and i just left it for him, the rats must of urnined on the food or summit the vets reckond, now i always watch the pup eat and then take the food off them!

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the same thing happend to me about 5 year ago with a salukixbullgreyhound, it was horrible, the vet said 'theres nothing we can do, your dog is dying, everything was failing, its kindneys its heart EVERYTHING!' i couldn't believe it, we took the pup '7months old' home and gave it a chance, i had it on my bed and it started fitting, by 5 the next morning it had died! i never got another dog for 2 year! ..mine was caused by stinking scruffy rats underneath nextdoors shed, he was leaving bits of food in the bowl sometimes and i just left it for him, the rats must of urnined on the food or summit the vets reckond, now i always watch the pup eat and then take the food off them!


my pup of 7 months old had also been vacinated and it died within 24 hours of noticing it was sick

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sorry to hear of your loss mate ive just got rid of my last one or id have gave ya it i do have a bitch coming pick of the litter which i picked weeks ago should be ready next week ya can have it if ya willing to travel pm me mate :thumbs:

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sorry to hear of your loss mate ive just got rid of my last one or id have gave ya it i do have a bitch coming pick of the litter which i picked weeks ago should be ready next week ya can have it if ya willing to travel pm me mate :thumbs:

Good on yer mate :thumbs:
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Lepto can cause internal bleeding just like Parvo. There are other diseases that can also produce similar symptoms. Conclusive proof would be with an autopsy.


I wouldn't get a pup for at least 12 months. The viral load (how much infection is present)on your premises if it is parvo will be at phenomenally high levels and you cannot sterilise your property. You can reduce the amount of viral load with various disinfectants but the best method is time.


If you do get another puppy you will need to ensure it is vaccinated and ideally the breeder retains it until immunity is acquired.


Lepto vaccinations are controversial in regards to how effective they are. I wouldn't be quick to rule out that the puppy wasn't vaccinated, only the original poster should know?


However, I think it is in very bad taste for a breeder to treat you like you have been treated. The reason being is the pups symptoms developed within an incubation period where it could of been infected at either premises. Seeing as though you have gone to the expense of veterinary treatment only to end up with a dead pup, I would personally think it far more reasonable to return the buyer his money or a pup in the future like detailed above.


The person commenting about not having vaccinations, I appreciate that the early strains of parvo virus most dogs have some acquired immunity to but there are strains where there is no acquired immunity. Furthermore, by you not vaccinating your not just putting your own dogs at risk but everyone elses. The disease is more likely to mutate in your dogs into a strain where there is neither acquired immunity or vaccination for. This is one disease I've touched on. Vaccinatons cover a wide range of fatal diseases and it's the likes of those who don't vaccinate who give these diseases opportunity to mutate faster and they also give certain diseases the opportunity to cross over species. e.g. Lepto can be passed to humans from dogs.

In a perfect world, all dogs would be vaccinated initially and titre tested annually there after. The titre testing tests for immunity and one would only give boosters specific to those diseases to which the dog has insufficient immunity to. Unfortunately such testing can be a costly affair and most UK vets have it drummed into their heads that all annual boosters are needed, which is not the case.

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