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new pup dead.

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Lepto can cause internal bleeding just like Parvo. There are other diseases that can also produce similar symptoms. Conclusive proof would be with an autopsy.   I wouldn't get a pup for at least 12

FFS , brought a pup , had something called Lepto . Jesus , dont you know anything ??? At 14 weeks it should be innoculated . Its plain Irresponsibility , between you and the seller . YOU should have

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Leptospirosis is transmitted by the urine of an infected animal and is contagious as long as it is still moist. Although rats, mice and moles are important primary hosts, a wide range of other mammals including dogs, deer, rabbits, hedgehogs, cows, sheep, raccoons, possums, skunks, and certain marine mammals are able to carry and transmit the disease as secondary hosts. Dogs may lick the urine of an infected animal off the grass or soil, or drink from an infected puddle. There have been reports of "house dogs" contracting leptospirosis apparently from licking the urine of infected mice that entered the house. its not just rats that carry it

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The breeder was obviously a shitbag keeping unvaccinated pups til that age, if he couldn't sell them by 10wks they should've been jabbed. You've learnt a hard lesson mate & if I had a pup here I'd gladly give you it for free. I'm sure someone can help you out, there's plenty folk breeding who can't find homes for all their pups.


Dogsbollocks58, the lad has just lost his pup & if you're trying to sell him one you're a f*****g arsehole. If you're offering to gift him one I apologise :thumbs:



The man has clearly asked in his thread that if anyone knows of anybody selling Bull Greyhound pups to let him know! Wheres the problem in that?

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Firstly only a autopsy would prove what the pup really died of,everything else is just guess work so it's doubtfull your 1000% sure it was only lepto,one thing for sure is i'd make sure the whole place has been cleaned from top to bottom before even thinking about getting another pup.

Edited by fireman
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The breeder was obviously a shitbag keeping unvaccinated pups til that age, if he couldn't sell them by 10wks they should've been jabbed. You've learnt a hard lesson mate & if I had a pup here I'd gladly give you it for free. I'm sure someone can help you out, there's plenty folk breeding who can't find homes for all their pups.


Dogsbollocks58, the lad has just lost his pup & if you're trying to sell him one you're a f*****g arsehole. If you're offering to gift him one I apologise :thumbs:



The man has clearly asked in his thread that if anyone knows of anybody selling Bull Greyhound pups to let him know! Wheres the problem in that?


Well said :thumbs: sounds like parvo to me to

Edited by christian71
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I've heard of pups go down with similar symptoms & in each case it was parvo.


To be honest, your bang on mate......sounds exactly like parvo.

I take it you had it vaccinated for this?

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Does sound like parvo to me but if the vet thinks its leptospirosis it could be,its transmitted through urine from rodents genraly rats,i cant see the pup having it for a while though then suddenly getting sick i would say if you have had the pup for a week the infection will of been transmitted from your end have you had the pup out without it being vacinated, alot of folk cant wait to take there pup out when they get a new addition and do take them to the park etc,i agree though a pup being sold by a breeder at 13 weeks of age should of been vacinated and shows the type of place it came from sorry for your loss and good luck finding a new pup

regards hedz

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It's very rare for a pup to catch lepto first of all and secondly its actually somewhat "dangerous" to vaccinate a young pup for lepto. Do you really trust your vet? Doesnt sound like lepto to me but who knows.


Is leptospirosis not one of the diseases new pups are routinely vacinated for in the UK?

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The breeder was obviously a shitbag keeping unvaccinated pups til that age, if he couldn't sell them by 10wks they should've been jabbed. You've learnt a hard lesson mate & if I had a pup here I'd gladly give you it for free. I'm sure someone can help you out, there's plenty folk breeding who can't find homes for all their pups.


Dogsbollocks58, the lad has just lost his pup & if you're trying to sell him one you're a f*****g arsehole. If you're offering to gift him one I apologise :thumbs:

yes it was free keep your fu~king nose out

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The breeder was obviously a shitbag keeping unvaccinated pups til that age, if he couldn't sell them by 10wks they should've been jabbed. You've learnt a hard lesson mate & if I had a pup here I'd gladly give you it for free. I'm sure someone can help you out, there's plenty folk breeding who can't find homes for all their pups.


Dogsbollocks58, the lad has just lost his pup & if you're trying to sell him one you're a f*****g arsehole. If you're offering to gift him one I apologise :thumbs:

yes it was free keep your fu~king nose out


you sound like that pantsdropper fella lol

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