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lost ferret/found ferret

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just thought i would share this with you all. went out on sunday we had our first frost of the season and was looking forward to a few hours ferreting with some mates. we just had our first rabbit when we had to dig to my mates hob that we hadnt seen for about 45mins and collected the other 2 ferrets that were down with him. we really didnt want this dig it was on the side of a large hill which formed one side of a long valley and typical of wiltshire the soil is chalk and stone. anyway we located the hob at about 5ft and started to dig after about 2ft we checked the location 10ft then 6ft, 4ft what the hell. then it stopped and settled about 3ft so we started again and then checked but this time no signal. we picked the signal up again about 2 meters to the left of where we had been digging at about 4ft down so we started digging there same thing happened again 4 hours this went on for we even tried another ferret on a line, put the dead rabbit down nothing so my mate who owed the ferret said we will have to come back tomorrow which was hard to do but we was getting nowhere. went back this morning and located the ferret straight away at about 5ft this time we dug a much wider hole just in case he stared to move but after about an hour bingo we found him. god knows how he got stuck he did make a kill because he had fur and blood on him but we couldnt locate the rabbit/s but we were so chuffed it didnt matter so we made good the ground we had dug and went home for a nice cuppa. just goes to show after about 5 hours digging over the 2 trips, a broken pick axe handle and a few blisters it was all worth the effort. we checked the locator to make sure it wasnt playing up but it was working perfect. thanks for reading and heres a few pics.


the dig, the find and leaving the land the way we found it






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at least you got it back how many people would of just given up and left it ive been out before and pick ferrets up that people have left behind i hope a bacon buttie went with that brew


i know mate it wasnt even my ferret and it kept me thinking sunday night but it never entered our minds to give up we just ran out of time on the sunday and looking back on it it was for the best because we were getting so frustrated and it got so hot on sunday we had nothing to drink but the break done us good and went back fresh and found it straight away

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Its always good when you get them home , Could the locator no be off a bit as the soils porous ive had problems in sand saying four foot and your lucky if its a three foot dig


maybe mate something wasnt right and never came across this before. but he has never had problems with it before on that permission but its worth checking that out mate cheers.

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