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nice night for a walk.........


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Yep i believe your right there Bill mate :thumbs:


I did add a extra bit but you replied before i posted it :wallbash:




Regarding being in the army and the 100 yard shot:


I know a bit about the army and comp shooting.


I have shot at some pretty high levels over the years myself.


Hitting a falling plate from 100 metres to 300 metres with a 5.56 mm bullet or 600 metres to 800 metres in 7.62 mm calibre with a sniper rifle travelling at speeds in excess of 900 mps is a lot different to shooting 18 to 36 ft / lbs at 100 yards.


It can’t be compared in terms of ballistics.


The best way like most things on this forum as i have found out myself is, if you want to really prove to people what you have said is true is to:


Laser the distance to the target on camera and then take your shot while the camera is rolling.


So Ryan I’m not knocking you buddy as I respect all marksmen highly myself, I’m just giving you the option to cast aside any doubt in peoples minds in the future.


Regarding the safe shooting, only you really new if the shot was going to be safe or not i surpose.


This is me taking a neutral look at the facts, and it’s only my personal thoughts.



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well sun was shinning so i figured i text my mate to see if he fancyed a walk around,we arranged to meet up at the golf club but as i pulled up he rang to say he was running late so i set out for a w

Hiya Si.


Your absolutly right mate, the ballistics do not compare, but the principles still apply, no matter what the calibre.


Indeed if Ryan wants to prove his ability as a marksman, he could film the shot with a witness.

I just think it is sad that he should have to do that.


I also respect that everyone on THL like to protect the forum from braggards, who do not have a clue.


But I think fair play and repect should be shown, if proved different, then the person concerned will meet with the feed back from the other members here.


I did not intend to upset the apple cart with anyone, and hope I havnt.




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he wasnt using his fac its his 410 that he used in all his post bill mate yes he says he has a fac licence but if that was his fac that squizzer would be in a lot more of a mess .may be he should post his fac related posts in that secion. but at the end of the day may be he did may be he didnt may be he should of or not everyone has the right of reply i wouldnt worry about upsetting the apple cart buddy we all have our say and when were finished we go back to having a laugh and a bit piss take ... its all part of the forums buddy


atb gary

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he wasnt using his fac its his 410 that he used in all his post bill mate yes he says he has a fac licence but if that was his fac that squizzer would be in a lot more of a mess .may be he should post his fac related posts in that secion. but at the end of the day may be he did may be he didnt may be he should of or not everyone has the right of reply i wouldnt worry about upsetting the apple cart buddy we all have our say and when were finished we go back to having a laugh and a bit piss take ... its all part of the forums buddy


atb gary



Hiya Gary.


Right on mate propper job :thumbs::cheers: :crazy:

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well there was the one witness a young lad who is new to the sport,but i guess if he joins up it will be seen as "a friends veiw" lol but i do have the open invite to join me :thumbs: as to being a bull claim as such,well i know i tock it and thats all that matters to me,but i will say longer shots for me are easyer than short ones,infact ill admitt to missing a 20 yard shot the very same night :wallbash:





p.s. was aiming at its head so miss judged it a wee bit :whistling:

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Was the shot taken with an FAC rifle then mate??



it was the first outting of my new fac yes.

ok buddy i may of jumped a little early and for that i apologise but may be if you had put that in ur 1st post it would of saved all this .... after all it is an air rifle section not the fac section all fac related bits go in another section ...


atb gary

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Dont worry about upsetting the cart Bill buddy :no: .


As Gary says everyone has the right to their say on here mate :yes:


Thats what forums are all about :thumbs:


At the end of the day we are all buddies and we all learn something about our sport every day from some other member on here :thumbs:


No one no matter how good they think that they are, me included are the font of all shooting knowledge :no:


ATB and no hard feelings to you Bill buddy or Ryan you shinny brand new NOOB with only 19 posts LOL ;):laugh: .


Joke Ryan :laugh:



Edited by zini
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Was the shot taken with an FAC rifle then mate??



it was the first outting of my new fac yes.

ok buddy i may of jumped a little early and for that i apologise but may be if you had put that in ur 1st post it would of saved all this .... after all it is an air rifle section not the fac section all fac related bits go in another section ...


atb gary



Hi Gary


After all this....... I think I need sectioning..... :crazy: :crazy:







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Dont worry about upsetting the cart Bill buddy :no: .


As Gary says everyone has the right to their say on here mate :yes:


Thats what forums are all about :thumbs:


At the end of the day we are all buddies and we all learn something about our sport every day from some other member on here :thumbs:


No one no matter how good they think that they are, me included are the font of all shooting knowledge :no:


ATB and no hard feelings to you Bill buddy or Ryan you shinny brand new NOOB with only 19 posts LOL ;):laugh: .


Joke Ryan :laugh:





Hi Si.



Bloody Sprog's....... :laugh::laugh::thumbs:

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Bill, I'm not worried about whether the distance is as stated or not. What I'm worried about is youngsters coming on here and thinking that it's ok to fire a rifle up into the trees, with no real idea of where the pellet will end up.



Hiya Matt.


Understood mate, and a good point :thumbs:


You would hope however that any youngsters entering into the sport, would benifit from the experience and teaching of a more established shooter, not always the case I know.

With most thing's sold these day's there are precise and written instructions on correct usage, also do's and dont's.( Not always taken on board and heeded )


Food for thought here though Matt, a set of safe shooting and gun handling instructions issued with any rifle sold, just a print out, but advise all the same and offered to every purchaser.


A sad fact to, that we can not be responsible for every shooter out there, and unfortunatly there will always be the less sensible and caring.


Topics posted on these boards are normaly lost in a week or so, by which time, any subject, good or bad is debated and normaly resolved with some detail, and then lost.


Might be a good idea to pin a Safe Shooting And Gun Handling thread on here for new shooters as reference?

Then if we get a new shooter to THL, or a shooter that post's something untoward, we could refer them to the Pinned thread for learning, what do you think?







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