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Grey squirrel

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  On 17/10/2010 at 14:04, lomond said:

I'm tring to trap grey squirrels in cage traps using nuts and corn as bait. I no it's the wrong time of year because there is entry of food available for them. Dose anyone no of any other baits that would work well at this time of year or other techniques.



Peanut butter.

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Get a cheap bird feeder, put some peanuts in it and hang it close to your trap. Small birds like blue tits soon find it and start feeding. This activity soon comes to the attention of the squirrels who are draw to the area to investigate the possibility of a free meal and soon get caught. Its the same principle that draws squirrels to bird tables and pheasant feeders. As winters draws on it gets even more effective. Also nice to think the small birds are not only getting feed but helping to kill the "nest robbers" lol !!!




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Squirrels are easily caught in tunnel traps with mk4 fenns.No bait just daylight at either end and set near a source of food or base of large tree where they frequent .Sick and tired of the feckers on our shoot but has to be done all year round to control any incomers .278 caught this year on a newly set up shoot with no previous pest control from 23 fenns rotated around 40 tunnels .

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  On 17/10/2010 at 14:04, lomond said:

I'm tring to trap grey squirrels in cage traps using nuts and corn as bait. I no it's the wrong time of year because there is entry of food available for them. Dose anyone no of any other baits that would work well at this time of year or other techniques.



Mind bud if you catch it.Then dispatch it the wrong way.Could cost you £1.500.?.Get in a good shooter and do it right.:thumbs:

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I normally leave them till a bit later in the season..I use wheat/maize, etc as bait, majority of the area's they are present around me contain a lot of oak trees, just use some fenns or bodygrips in tunnels with acorns off the ground for bait and around the entrance if its similar were you are...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest crobinc840

I used to hunt squirrel for food (yes it tastes very good). They can smell peanut butter very easilly and it works better if you get a tablespoon of peanutbutter and roll it in peanuts. That way if it rains hopefully you'll still have some peanutbutter left. ;)

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