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where have all the rabbits gone?

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Back to the original thread............... went out last week with a mate on some permision and only saw 2 rabbits ( both on the road) the place is normally crawling with them yet a mate whos got permission 10 miles away say's it's still lifting with em i think your right about them being in isolated pockets.

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So your an expert on where all the rabbits are now? BTW, never called you a pc hunter, do you hear voices? As for wanting me to look at your pictures, what is it with you? One minute you want me to li

PMSL.... so i joined yesterday, that'll mean I dont have a clue eh? lol. Lowlands and costal areas have ALWAYS had more rabbits, nothing new there. Stands to reason they'll survive better. BUT, I know

Maybe the reason you only saw 1 was due to the pack of dogs you had in tow..... just a thought.

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the reason i havent been on for a while is just this. i think i prefer to go out hunting than read this crap.


i cover a lot of land in north wales but can't find any pockets that still have lots of rabbits - i do hunt the land quite a lot (lamping at night and hawks, terriers and ferrets in the day - when not in work!) its just that rabbits seem to have disappeared more than ever and not finding many with mixi


anyway going to highlands for a mth in december on a mates land where there are still plenty of rabbits :thumbs:


thanks anyway

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  On 17/10/2010 at 09:50, horizon hunter said:
  On 17/10/2010 at 09:45, lofti said:
  On 17/10/2010 at 09:28, runforyourlife said:

yes but they all havent come through the same winter... high ground especially in yorkshire and cumbria all but wiped out... Lowlands and coastal areas seem to have more rabbits available to the hunter..As the winter in the uplands was far harsher and snow lasted longer than the warmer lowlands.


russ your bang on pal :thumbs: ,


but this just reminds me why i hardly post on here,

try and give a bit of advice and get shite for it (of a fella who joined yesterday) :blink:



welshnutter if you think its bad now for rabbits mate imagine next year

if we get a winter as bad and they reckon were going too.


PMSL.... so i joined yesterday, that'll mean I dont have a clue eh? lol. Lowlands and costal areas have ALWAYS had more rabbits, nothing new there. Stands to reason they'll survive better. BUT, I know of areas with rabbits 1000+ feet thriving with rabbits and others around lowland rivers with nowt. But hey, I joined yesterday, what do i know........... :notworthy:


no! try and re read what i wrote chair.gif




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  On 17/10/2010 at 11:48, horizon hunter said:
  On 17/10/2010 at 11:41, runforyourlife said:

yep your right lads!!! theres the famous word.. "pish" its f*****g "feed the bare"!!!!



go kill your little leverets fatty....



We do look for road kill, then lamp them.... Contradicting myself,, lowlands in the nw have rabbits..l. different regions, numpty!!! f**k me, didnt take you long to be found out... fecking mug...


:blink: So i use the word pish and I'm getting accused of being someone else??? Your a prize ticket right enough. You did contradict yourself dafty.... you mentioned earlier on that the lowlands have rabbits whilst higher ground doesn't, do i need to paste said statement? I notice you have posted a thread on the general talk as well claiming I'm someone..... Need to get a grip of yourself son, get off your mothers teet, if you cant handle an arguement dont start one!!!

one word prick
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The snow last winter decimated the rabbits in most areas round the Dales,in wooded areas they seemed to have fared better and have recovered to pre-winter numbers.You can see where the bark as been stripped from trees 6ft up,as the snow got deeper the rabbits stripped the bark higher and higher.A farmer called me out after the snow had finished,to get rid of rabbits that had moved to low ground and where chewing through is grass bales,the damage was unbelievable,it was shameful to have to kill the rabbits they where skin and bones.

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Here, Southwest and middle Holland we had some good population build up and I saw more now than in say 2004. But in my main areas they're crashing due to mixy. My veterinary neighbour also sees a wave of mixy, his first, as people bring in diseased rabbits from the field and also house pets.


Maybe a harsh winter will freeze the flee/mosquito vector of mixy...and was the harsh last winter the reason for the high number present this year?



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The crash in rabbits in my region has been due to the recession there are more people hunting than ever as they have no work also summer hunting has gone crazy as those engaged dont know any better or care also too many buzzards and I think a late bout of mixy followed by the harsh weather took its toll. there is serious speculation that farmer's are putting down pellets that cause infertility that crash the population.

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  On 18/10/2010 at 03:09, Skinny said:

The crash in rabbits in my region has been due to the recession there are more people hunting than ever as they have no work also summer hunting has gone crazy as those engaged dont know any better or care also too many buzzards and I think a late bout of mixy followed by the harsh weather took its toll. there is serious speculation that farmer's are putting down pellets that cause infertility that crash the population.



How do you mean putting down pellets to affect fertility? not disputing that it could happen just wonder what they are using and why it is thought better or easier than normal pest control :thumbs:

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  On 18/10/2010 at 03:09, Skinny said:

The crash in rabbits in my region has been due to the recession there are more people hunting than ever as they have no work also summer hunting has gone crazy as those engaged dont know any better or care also too many buzzards and I think a late bout of mixy followed by the harsh weather took its toll. there is serious speculation that farmer's are putting down pellets that cause infertility that crash the population.

A couple of my permissions in the dales had buzzards take up residence :thumbs: the outcome was the first sign of myxi and the buzzards had them and nipped the out break in the bud so to speak :thumbs:

Y.I.S Leeview

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  On 18/10/2010 at 22:04, rocky070707 said:


Hi guys just joined this site and have been reading about the rabbits and their amazing disappearing act.

I Shoot around the Bedfordshire area and have found that there has been a significant drop in numbers over the last 3 to 4 months.

Not noticed much mixi though.I do agree that there is a lot of ferreting on going and these blokes are taking many of the remaining rabbits,thus reducingthe the amount left for us shooting types.


Just one last thing guys lets stop the bitching, we are after all adults so you would think this "my train set is bigger than yours" mentality would

have no place on this site.

Edited by topgun
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  On 20/10/2010 at 08:53, topgun said:
  On 18/10/2010 at 22:04, rocky070707 said:


Hi guys just joined this site and have been reading about the rabbits and their amazing disappearing act.

I Shoot around the Bedfordshire area and have found that there has been a significant drop in numbers over the last 3 to 4 months.

Not noticed much mixi though.I do agree that there is a lot of ferreting on going and these blokes are taking many of the remaining rabbits,thus reducingthe the amount left for us shooting types.


Just one last thing guys lets stop the bitching, we are after all adults so you would think this "my train set is bigger than yours" mentality would

have no place on this site.


Where you hunt topgun?


I've not seen any significant declines in areas that I've been to in Bedfordshire.

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