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soil mix for growing veg

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does enyone know how and what to mix to make good growing soil as i have moved into a new house and the garden is just clay with loads of flints and bricks to hard to dig and remove stones do i just buy topsoil and horse muck and mix it

eny help would be good

many thanks :thumbs:

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does enyone know how and what to mix to make good growing soil as i have moved into a new house and the garden is just clay with loads of flints and bricks to hard to dig and remove stones do i just buy topsoil and horse muck and mix it

eny help would be good

many thanks :thumbs:


depends what your intending to grow as some veg like carrots/parsnips dont like too much manure so its probley best to build small raised beds 4ftx4ft say about 12" deep and give square foot gardening a go its alot more efficient if youv not got too much space, like you can grow 16 carrots in 1sqf or a 1 colly/calabrese/cabbage so times that by 16 for each bed and it soon mounts up


mines heavy clay i just removed the stones and dug in a bale of straw and let the worms go to work

i also added compost from my compost bin and some sand

building a nice soil up takes about 3 years but is usable from the start

but if you dont mind buying/or if you can get it free topsoil will be great and manure will help build up the worms which break down the soil


feed the soil ,not the plants :victory:

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Either what bullterrier says and do some raised beds or it may well take you a few seasons to get the soil something like if its as bad as you say.

Poor soil will limit what you can grow, but there will be things that will suit it, but the choice will be limited.

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