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ferreting today


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just got some new land to ferret this week so me and ne nephew set off at 8am this morning ,me dad tags along as he got the land for me being a postman going to the farms really helps wel sometimes it does.we meet the land owners i thank them for letting me on there land they point us in the right direction, we walk a few fields then there it is rabbit heaven holes every were, rabbits running for cover,we cross the stream put the gear down have a cup of tea then start to net up all holes coverd by me and me nephew count the nets out 45 in total in goes the two ferrets,out come 12 rabbits in total not a bad start. next we move on 35 holer in go the ferrets out come 8 more rabbits. on the move again 30 nets out another 10 rabbits in total30 rabbits, five hours out what first outing of the season cant wait for our next visit.

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just got some new land to ferret this week so me and ne nephew set off at 8am this morning ,me dad tags along as he got the land for me being a postman going to the farms really helps wel sometimes it does.we meet the land owners i thank them for letting me on there land they point us in the right direction, we walk a few fields then there it is rabbit heaven holes every were, rabbits running for cover,we cross the stream put the gear down have a cup of tea then start to net up all holes coverd by me and me nephew count the nets out 45 in total in goes the two ferrets,out come 12 rabbits in total not a bad start. next we move on 35 holer in go the ferrets out come 8 more rabbits. on the move again 30 nets out another 10 rabbits in total30 rabbits, five hours out what first outing of the season cant wait for our next visit.

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don't have dogs or long nets,had three ferrets out yesterday and for two of them it was there first time which was pleasing and the nets it was there first time out as i only learned how to tie them this season so a lot of pluses thanks for all the great comments lads cheers Calvin

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