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Lurcher on run for 13 days

Guest thefirstlurcherbitch

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Guest peakhound

Can't thank you all enough for help and advice.


To Skycat: Tried all that (but keep thinking, cos there MUST be something we've not tried!). Tag has ignored me when I've spoken, ignored when i've ignored him, ignored me with our 8 month old lurcher m- jus looks terrified and as if he's jus got to keep goin. My little girl has even tried walking round the area he was in singing his favourite songs! AND he's trotted straight past really smelly cat food in front of my car (which he'd normally love to steal!). Don't think I'm ungrateful, cos i'm not. Really really pleased that u all care enough to reply. Just totally frustrated and reaching the end of my tether!!!!!


Latest news on the Tag saga is:

lunchtime (12.30) sighted on estate in Hollingworth, mooching around. Hubby rushed over (6 miles away from us, and I was at work!) but no signs when he got there.

3pm - Sighted on Church Field Estate (nr Millbrook Pub). Richard went out again but he'd gone.


Not easy to look when the b*******ds covering such distances.

Lurcherbitch has asked us to stop getting our dogs fit, and turn them into pooches!!


Has anyone got a helicopter with thermal imaging handy?

(asked my nephew in RAF, but apparently they don't DO foreigners!!!)

Thanks again, and keep the suggestions and help coming - it's all that's keeping us sane (and even that's a matter of opinion!) :hmm:

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Guest peakhound

You're not joking he's like a ghost! Was out for 10 hours with lurcherbitch searching yesterday, got a sighting when we were just around the corner from him. Got there virtually while the phone was still ringing, but he'd gone again - nowhere to be seen.

Problem is, he's covering such a wide area we've nowhere to sit and wait for him!


Sightings yesterday were all in Hollingworth between 10.30am and 2.00.

Had a call off the dog warden to say someone's reported him as hanging out around Walkerwood (Brushes area) in the evenings when she's walking her dog for the last couple of weeks!


Aaagh - just had a call from tintwistle - goin.....

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Guest peakhound

The saga continues.... (sorry if anyone's getting bored with this!):


Didn't catch up with him in tintwistle, but hoping he will settle back there for a bit. Have asked the locals to ignore him and contact me if they see him, trying to avaoid him jumping areas again...


An article has been published in the paper in the oldham area about Tag and resulted in a lot of calls about his whereabouts over the past few weeks.


One chap said he was sleeping in his garden inside a Santa Xmas Decoration! Another lady has been very upset about him - he was sleeping under a bush in her garden and taking bits of food she threw him, she phoned the RSPCA to ask for help, BUT THEY DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW unless he was injured. I'm FUMING. (This was on 22nd Dec!) :censored:


I spoke to the RSPCA on the 16th Dec (asking about trapping/darting) - still waiting for them to ring me back when they've found a trap (ENOUGH SAID).


Not only that, Police and dog wardens in Tameside, Derbyshire, Oldham and W. Yorks have all had Tag reported to them (11th Dec) but it seems that the RSPCA don't think to advise people to contact any other authorities if they can't be bothered helping themselves......


I'm signing off now before I get barred!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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Guest peakhound

Please do, the more people aware the better - thanks.

We are asking everyone to totally ignore him if they see him (and ring up straight away), unless he's in a situation where you can shut him in a shed or something. We hope if he settles again in one area we might stand more chance, rather than him just keep running from everyone who tries to catch him.

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Watching this thread with baited breath :cry: .....is he castrated? Could you get a bitch in season in one of the gardens he sleeps in, her smell would linger to keep him close, once he gets a wiff of her he might forget to run?

Please keep us informed.

Ill cross post also.


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:cry: So sorry to see what is happening here. :cry:

Wish their was somthing i could do, but alas, im all the way here in Ireland. :(


Hope you find him soon, good luck. :)


I lost a dog once years ago, so i know what you are going threw.



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Guest Lurcherbitch

Well Tag is still on the run. The news article brought in a few usefull calls so we will keep on trying. Peakhound is going to get in touch with her local paper tomoz as he seems to have moved back into that area. We was out all yesterday and i stayed over at her house last night and after she had me helping out with horses we was out again today. Oh if anyone knows of a good home for a mad cock as the hen type.... she has one mean one down at stables that needs a good home :icon_eek: .

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Guest peakhound

Hey Frank - keep your eyes peeled in Ireland, too - the way it's going i can see us getting a sighting paddling acroos the sea!

Molly - thanks for the advice but unfortunately he's neutered, and shows no interest in other dogs or bitches at all.

No sightings since Padfield on Saturday, but article going in Glossop paper tomorrow, so hopefully should bring a few more calls in (unless he's moved somewhere totally different now....)

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Guest peakhound

Lots of sightings yesterday travelling from Cow lane(Hollingworth), through and around tintwistle. Also had calls to say been mooching around gardens in Padfield in the evening and first thing in morning.

Richard was out following the calls, but never saw him - we're always behind him and never seem to be able to second-guess where he'll pop up next.

Article has gone in paper, so hopefully even MORE people now aware!!

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Is their not dog wardens, ect, that can catch this poor dog safely and return him to you? :blink:


I thought the Uk had good resources for these stiuations.?


Ill keep an eye out peakhound, you never know ha. :D;)



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