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First night out in about 6 weeks

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Well not been out in about 5 or 6 weeks, so decided to go out with the lamp tonight with my mate Scott, to the stables my wee sister keeps her horse. This was my first night lamping properly, only ever done it towards the end of the night during the summer a couple of times but only for 20 mins or so at a time.


Sorry about the thumbnail images, you will have to click on them to enlarge.


Got there at about 6.45 and got all set up. Decided where i was going to snipe from so headed over. Got to the top of a small hill, shined the light to the bottom and around 5 rabbits were offski, so we set up at the bottom and waited. Its a Logun gun mounted lamp we were using but because we only had one lamp between to we decided to take shots, 1 with the lamp and the other shooting.


I was lucky enough to be shooting first so we waited, shining the lamp every 5 mins or so. After about half an hour we spotted one, we had the red filter on the light and i was surprised at how much the rabbit was oblivious to the red light, it was getting closer and closer, and i guessed it was roughly on my zero so a line the shot up and bang!! Straight down, no kicking or nothing.


Pic taken in the field




Close up :tongue2:




So now it was my turn to shine the lamp, waited another half an hour or so and decided to got for a wander around the stables. Spotted a lone rabbit running along a path, it kept going in and out of view and disappeared. We then met the owner of the stables and he was telling us the areas where he sees a lot of rabbits, its a bit of a pain as the burrows are on someone else's land but the rabbits run around the permission at night time so there is a good few to go at. Sound like theres a few good spots for shooting and he mentioned crows that have been annoying him so going to have a go at them aswell.


Decided to go to another field. We were walking along a path, lamp off, and somehow, god knows how, but Scott spotted a white tail moving about about 40 yards away, lamp on, Scott shoots and down goes bunny number two!! Nice shot.


We then headed back to where the rabbit got away earlier and spotted another, im guessing it was the same one, think it had strayed quite far from the burrows and didnt really have anywhere to go. Again, it kept going in and out of sight. This rabbit really gave us the run around. I reckon we spent between 20-30 mins tracking this rabbit, without success. At one point it popped up about 15 yards away but i am shit at standing shots so didnt want to take the shot, this pissed me off so we called it a night at that.


Had a good night out with some good shooting up there to look forward to :D


Heres the two rabbits




Anyway thought i would share with you my first night out in a good while





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Well done Gentlemen :clapper:


It sure is good to have you back John :yes:


SPA for your writre up bud, I enjoyed the read :yes:


Bobbin in and out of view, sounds like your round my permision!

I'd swear that they do it just to tease me lol!!!!



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Well done Gentlemen :clapper:


It sure is good to have you back John :yes:


SPA for your writre up bud, I enjoyed the read :yes:


Bobbin in and out of view, sounds like your round my permision!

I'd swear that they do it just to tease me lol!!!!




Cheers Phantom. It was a different sort of shooting on this permission than im used to, usually i spend the whole night waiting for the rabbits to come out, static shooting. Done a bit of that but spent a lot of the night wandering about shining the lamp, i need to get a bloody sling sorted soon, my arm is aching this morning :(


Good write up bud,i liked reading that,Not a bad result for 1st time lamping,

I canny wait to tryt it,got a gun lamp last week ,just need to wait till i get a min to go out.

How did you find range finding in the dark?

Atb marti



cheers mate.


Hmmm range finding was quite difficult. It was easy enough to tell when a rabbit was too far away for me to take the shot. Was lucky with the first one as i could see it pretty well and guessed it was right on my zero and i was right. The second looked much further away, my guess was around 40 yards, should have paced it out to see. Suppose it will be a bit hit and miss (so to speak) until ive got a bit more experience

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johnny bhoy,


good write up dude really enjoyed that style of shooting the other night a bit different.think we need to get more practice in shooting standing thoe.

my best shot to date me thinks good distance and got it kneeling and resting on a fence post looking foward to next time.




p.s thanks for sending the pics of the wee fella out fereting with us last time appreciate it.

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